mlbroadcastEarlier today I was assisting a client in adding some content to his Realtor.Com template web site. While viewing the source of his main page I stumbled upon some commented code. Commented code is used by web and software developers to communicate in situations where more than one person is working on the codebase. It usually refers to recent revision dates or brief explanations of how to modify etc. HTML (hyper text markup language) comments are always displayed between <!– –> brackets . Placing text in the brackets prevents its display on the web page.

Below is a snippet of the code I found in our client’s Realtor.Com web template site:

<!–[if gte IE 8]><div id=”h1″ class=”W3C”><![endif]–><!– I have a dream… –>
<!–[if IE 7]><div id=”body1″ class=”IE IE7 IE67″><![endif]–>
<!–[if IE 6]><div id=”body1″ class=”IE IE6 IE56 IE67″><![endif]–>
<!–[if IE 5]><div id=”body1″ class=”IE IE5 IE56″><![endif]–>
<!–[if !IE]>–><div id=”body1″ class=”W3C”><!–<![endif]–>

The “I have a dream….” reference was embedded by a person I am assuming is a frustrated developer praying to the code gods that her work is backward compatible to older browser versions. If you work with web code you’re automatically enrolled into a society of common dreamers. For instance, the primary dream is that one day they will not longer need to develop code for who knows how many different browser platforms and versions. Another dream is that some day agents will feel compelled to upgrade their browsers more than once every 4 years. The list of dreams has no end when it comes to browser compatibility. I’m pretty sure we’ll all be able to buy replacement organs from Wal-Mart and pick them up via our Jet Packs before the problem gets resolved…but I digress.

Anywho, what do you think the hidden “I have a dream” reference means? Add yours to the list.

~He or She was daydreaming about quitting their coder gig and knocking down some walls of the cube farm on the way out. ๐Ÿ™‚

~He or She is working with someone they are attracted to and the only way they can think to spark a romantic conversation is via code. ๐Ÿ™‚

~He or She heard Trulia was hiring and thought “If I only knew what RSS means” ๐Ÿ™‚