
I first met Geordie Romer at RE BarCamp Seattle a few months ago. During our SEO session, he volunteered his Icicle Creek site as a website to critique during the session, but we got a bit off topic and we didn’t really get to looking at the specifics of his domain. I again asked for volunteers (this time on Twitter) while at RE BarCamp LA and he again volunteered to be the guinea pig. To me, this shows he’s serious about improving his site’s SEO, so I spent some time reviewing the site and here are a few suggestions/observations:

  1. To start, I should say I think this site is fairly well optimized for the search engines already. Of course it’s not perfect (no website ever is), but the basics are definitely covered; title tags, URL structure, keywords. Geordie’s blog is a Tomato Blog, so it’s no surprise the basics are covered — I’d actually be very disappointed if they didn’t have all these covered since they are a paid solution.
  2. Create your own landing pages for your “popular searches” on this page. Right now, the “Leavenworth Condo Search” takes you to a page on your IDX site (seen here) and is iFramed in (click one of the links and notice the URL in your browser window does not change). I’d recommend creating a page like iciclecreekrealestate.com/leavenworthcondosforsale/ and framing that search result inside that page. Here is an example landing page for Emerald Bay on LagunaSeaside.com. Hopefully your IDX solution, IDXPro, can support this functionality. Your main search for homes for sale page should then link to every home search landing page you end up creating — and each of those landing pages should cross link to all the other landing pages.
  3. Create a page on your site for your Leavenworth Information links and remove them from the sidebar. For a blog really geared toward attracting SEO traffic, I wouldn’t recommend having those external links in your sidebar because it means every single page on your blog has an additional 14 external links out. Instead, make sure the link to your “Leavenworth Information” page is prominent in your sidebar. Doing this will mean you’ll only have 1 page on your site linking out to those 14 resources rather than every page on your blog (194 pages according to Google).
  4. Further optimize your “How much is my home worth?” page for “How much is my Leavenworth home worth?” by tweaking your title tag and H1 on the page. Additionally, add a short paragraph with some keywords that will help Google understand what the page is about. Then create a separate page for every market you cover. The chances of getting any long tail traffic for the term “How much is my home worth?” is fairly slim given the sites in the top 10 right now, but I highly doubt there are many people focused on localized searches for those keywords. Granted, you already rank number 1 for “how much is my leavenworth home worth?” — so this shouldn’t be at the top of your list of changes to make.

Hope this helps – if anyone else has any suggestions or observations, please leave them in the comments below.