Let’s just say that I’m having lunch with Sergei Brin and he asks me for my opinion on how to make Google Adwords better. (Official odds – 1 in 999999999999999999999999; look it up!). This would be my response:

RSS Feeds and Google Adwords!

Here’s why. We have been using Google Adwords for about two years now with stellar results. No other form of advertising even comes close to comparing with the Almighty Adwords. And I haven’t touched the copy of my ads for over a year and a half. Set it and forget it, indeed.

But the other day, as I was posting an investment property on our Investornation Blog, I realized how much more efficient my ads would become if in fact I could plug my blog RSS feed into Google Adwords for it to automatically generate new ads as I post new properties. Readers would get ads that correspond to real time posts and if the content of my post is attractive, I could get a customer in my “storefront” as soon as my product hits “the window”!

What are your thoughts? (Just keep in mind, Sergei thought it was a brilliant idea!)