HVLI’ve had the pleasure of being friends with Eric Marke online for a few years now. Back then he was building agent websites for many users of popular Facebook groups for agents, now he’s built one of the best seller lead-gen systems around. HomeValueLeads.com has quickly taken off and has a wildly successful following of dedicated users who are seeing a great amount of success. One of the best parts of using the product is it’s highly active and informative Facebook group which is private and only for users of HVL. It’s one of the most collaborative groups I’ve seen online with many users sharing successes and statistics for other users to view. Eric is also very active in personally helping his users utilize and optimize the system to convert the best. Given how successful many of it’s users have been, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share the details with the GEB community.

See Details at HomeValueLeads.com

What makes HVL unique from its competitors with similar products?

Most lead generation systems out there focus on buyer lead generation. Home Value Leads was born to allow real estate agents to generate quality SELLER LEADS at an affordable cost. Many companies out there sell leads for $15 to $25 each or more. Our clients have consistently been able to generate leads for less than $2 each.

What types of features does it have within the backend?

The entire site is customizable in the backend. From the text and background image that displays on your site to the confirmation email that goes out to leads, you can change as much or as little as you want. On your lead page, you will have access to a database of your leads that can be sorted and filtered almost any way you want.

What have your clients found to be the best source of lead gen for HVL?

Hands down the best source of leads has been through Pay Per Click advertising through Google and/or Facebook. Setting up a simple Facebook ad literally takes less than 5 minutes (we even have a video on our private Facebook group that walks you through it step by step). Many of our clients have reported receiving 10-15 leads on their very first day of their free trial.

Does this integrate with any particular CRM well?

Our #1 job is to help agents generate leads and most agents already have a CRM that works for their business. Rather than reinventing the wheel, we decided from the very beginning that our system would be a lead generation masterpiece and we would leave the CRM portion to those that know and do it best. Our preferred CRM is Follow Up Boss. It is simply such a powerful follow up tool that we would have been crazy not to integrate with them first. We also integrate into Happy Grasshopper’s new follow up tool, Position Me. We are also currently in the process of integrating into other CRMs as they are requested by our clients.

What conversion rates are you seeing for FB Ads and PPC?

Conversion rates vary from location to location, but for those agents who have tested different ads and made adjustments, many are seeing 20% plus conversion rates.

What is the best success story you have heard thus far?

One of the most successful stories from a client has been 11 listings obtained within the first month’s use. A number of others have reported an impressive number of listings obtained within this period as well though it varies by area. We also have a higher end client whose avg. list price is 1.2M seeing leads for $1.50 per lead.


Eric will give readers of GeekEstate a 30 day free trial of the system so contact him on Facebook, or sign-up on HomeValueLeads.com and mention Geekestate.

Disclaimer: I received nothing from writing this review other than being able to test out the product for a few weeks.