iPad App Review: SignMyPad
SignMyPad is a new iPad app that lets you sign and fill out pdfs right from your iPad. If you’re like me, you chafe every time you need to print out a form, fill it out and sign it, scan it, then discard the original printed version. While there are much larger and more established companies such as Docusign, SignMyPad takes a different approach. Instead of a computer generated signature, with SignMyPad you literally sign with your finger.
In terms of acceptance of this kind of digital signature, it’s an entirely open question due to how rapidly technology is changing. DocuSign, on the other hand, has years of experience and they’ve spent a great deal of resources to ensure the legitimacy of their solution. I’m not a lawyer, and in my opinion the onus is on the company to make it abundantly clear whether something is legally valid or not. Personally, I might use a solution like SignMyPad for simple forms/ applications/ etc, but I’d stick with a more established system like DocuSign for important contracts until I learn more. Anyway, on to the review:
Getting Started:
The documentation is minimal with SignMyPad, which is great when something’s super intuitive, but made for a bumpier start in this case. The app opens to a empty list, where your saved pdf’s would go. Maybe I’m slow, but it took me a few seconds to figure out that I had to email myself a pdf, then in Mail click “Open In SignMyPad” for it to then appear. This could be made a lot more intuitive.
The first time I tried opening a doc in SignMyPad from Mail, it crashed. It worked the second time, and I started by selecting the “add text” option to write in the address in my sample purchase contract. That worked fine, but then when I tried to delete the text, I simply couldn’t figure out how. I clicked and I dragged until it was time for the last resort: reading the instructions.
Finding the instructions wasn’t easy: I clicked menu, didn’t see it, then clicked “PDF list”, read the instructions, and came back to delete my text (you need to double tap the text to delete). Unfortunately, my text was already gone: it doesn’t save automatically, or warn you if you go back to your list of PDFs. The mystery of the disappearing text would haunt me throughout the entirety of my review. It was not clear at all how or when your input was saved, which in a seven page contract can get incredibly frustrating.
I tried the “save” option, and the “save/email” option, but was unable to actually save my text. I emailed myself three blank contracts, then gave up.
Bottom Line:
I absolutely love this idea, and I commend the developer for focusing on this need, but the current implementation was unusable for me. If you are highly technically savvy and patient, give it a try. From the reviews on iTunes, some people have been able to make it work for them, though the consensus seems to be that it’s pretty buggy. Until we see improvements, I would save your $4. If anyone has had a better experience, by all means share in the comments.
Current iTunes Rating: 2.5 stars
My Rating: 2 stars
Price: $3.99
iTunes Link: SignMyPad
Autriv Inc
Posted at 01:11h, 28 JulyAs the developer, I'm sorry you were having difficulties. While the directions are in the iTunes listing, and on the app – we have made a video and posted to our website to help people out that are having difficulties. In the video, just like the iTunes listing, it explains why certain things happen (such as your signature disappearing…which is probably because the PDF got put into a folder on the iPad, so our app isn't reading the information correctly.)
In our new version we are working on the folder thing because we want to allow users to keep an original and a modified version. We will of course inform everyone when that is released.
Justin Esgar
Autriv Inc.
Hawaii real estate
Posted at 22:13h, 29 JulyI've been using Docusign for about 2 years now. I haven't printed out and faxed/scanned anything since then, and never had any problems with it. Very quick and easy to email people forms to sign.
i use my laptop to create the form, email it to them, and they can sign it on my laptop or on their phone.
Michael LaPeter
Posted at 23:24h, 02 AugustHey Tony,
I use Docusign too and love them! I was checking out SignMyPad to use for those situations when you need to print and sign a credit card authorization or whatever with different companies. I've always just assumed DocuSign wouldn't work in those situations, and my current solution is to just paste in an image of my signature into the pdf. Maybe I should try using DocuSign for those and see what happens…
Posted at 23:52h, 29 JulyBig fan of the iPad, just need to get more apps to make it more usable (and justify to my wife why I bought it). SignMyPad seems like a good concept/idea, I'm just not patient enough to work through some of these issues so I'll hold off until I read better reviews. Thanks for the post.
Malia L. Meenderman
Posted at 00:35h, 30 JulyI can't wait for the update to be released. This make transactions much easier for me! I will be watching for it.
Randy Vanderpool
Posted at 18:50h, 02 AugustThis seems like an app that could be very useful,m but needs to have some glitches worked out. Pretty much like all apple products in my opinion. I'm always a wait it out guy!
Posted at 19:20h, 02 AugustStill not sure this is going to make THE paperless office into a reality, but its certainly a step in the right direction. Love my ipad as i do, i still havent found it much use from a business standpoint. For, me its my go to device at the end of the day, when i am not at work (ha like i am ever not at work) when i dont want to open my laptop, i just want a quick browse…
yorba linda homes
Posted at 15:18h, 20 SeptemberDefinitely a step in the right direction. I personally do not have an Ipad (would like one, however) but a real estate office in my city has been promoting them, as well as other tech stuff, to go paperless in the office. From what I have heard, printing has gone way down except for mail marketing peices, of coures. But seems like a lot of their agents are stepping in and getting things such as the Ipad to help with the cause though. Think its a great idea.
Posted at 16:47h, 17 SeptemberOk how does this work? I been trying for hours now!
Autriv Inc
Posted at 16:32h, 30 SeptemberWhat seems to be the problem Dchurch? Have you emailed our technical support yet?
Autriv Inc
Posted at 00:03h, 24 SeptemberJust as an FYI to everyone – the new version of SignMyPad was released today. We fixed the issues that Michael was having in the article, with text disappearing. We highly suggest updating as quickly as possible.
Justin Esgar
Autriv Inc.
Posted at 18:42h, 06 FebruaryJustin, anything in the works for printing directly from the app?
Felice Borgstrom
Posted at 10:34h, 03 JanuaryWe are all hearing about the new iPad Tablet that was recently released by the Apple Corporation. But most of us don’t have enough extra money in our budget to try out the latest gadgets Apple has to offer. The good news is while others are trying to win one in the many contests out there; you’ll have your very own brand new Apple iPad free to keep simply by being one of the first to test out this new product.
Posted at 11:32h, 17 FebruaryRightSignature.com has a cool e-signature software for signing and filling out pdfs straight from iPads and iPhones. I found it to be very useful.
Posted at 13:45h, 23 FebruaryI use this APP extensively and LOVE it! I import directly from Mail and drop box as well as my MLS. This is the best of several apps I have tried for Realestate contracts.
kevin H
Posted at 10:19h, 22 Maythis application sucks….not user friendly..unable to download pdf to ipad and signmypad?????