iPhone 2.0hhh Nooo!
Take a tip from me. If you’re a first gen iPhone user, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UPGRADE TO THE NEW FIRMWARE. Give it a few days. The iTunes server will most likely render your phone useless as it has in my case. After downloading and installing the firmware, the final step is to connect to the iTunes server to verify the install. The servers however are down due to the number of activations taking place. Apple has decided in to prevent people from buying the phones and attempting to “jailbreak” them for use on networks other than AT&T. This means you must activate the phone at the point of purchase at an Apple or AT&T store. I could just imagine what it’s like standing in those lines. I am really torqued that my phone is completely disabled unless I want to make an emergency call. I would be even more po’d if I was standing in line at at an Apple store. Update: After a couple of hours of connection attempts, I was able to finish the process of connecting to the iTunes store. The complete process of restoring the phone’s content is a lenghty one. I still recommend waiting a few days to update your firmware and do it before you go to bed :).
James Shiner
Posted at 14:12h, 11 JulyPrecisely why I upgraded mine yesterday 🙂 It’s great once you get it going though.