iPhone 3.0 Announced At WWDC
As expected, Apple rolled out several announcements regarding the iPhone. The 3.0 changes include the release of a new operating system and an entirely new phone. The new 3GS (s=speed) has many new features including voice dialing and the ability to capture and edit video directly on the phone. Apple also announced that they will keep the 3G in the iPhone line-up and reduce it to a $99 price point, a move designed to help Apple continue to capture market share in the rabidly competitive wireless space. Those that thought the upcoming Palm Pre could be the first real contender to the dominance enjoyed by Apple in the smart phone space might want to reconsider that position. The 16 gig version of 3GS will be $199 and a 32 gb version for $299. Both will come in black or white.
The new OS release will be available for free for all versions of the iPhone and iPod touch users will be charged $9.99 for the upgrade.
Here are just a few of the notable changes:
-The software development kit released for the new software will include access to over 1,000 API’s. The demos shown by some of the developers today showed how the API’s allow them to access key features in the phone to create rich applications. 3rd party hardware will be easier to code as well. One of the cool things shown was a diabetes testing kit.
-Cut & Paste (FINALLY)
-Tethering (using the phone connection to operate a PC’s connection, typically done with laptops where a wi-fi connection is not available.). There is a bit of problem thought, AT&T is woefully behind the curve on being able to provide the service.
-Find My iPhone. If you’re a mobile me client you can easily locate where you left your phone on a global map. If you’re a secret agent you can lock or remotely wipe the data from the phone. After all, you wouldn’t want to ruin a world important mission (or allow your significant other to see how many others are significant in your contacts list)
-MMS visual text messages
-HTML 5 support in the mobile version of Safari. When everyone finally supports HTML 5 the ability to include video content on the web will get a heck of a lot easier. I’m glad to see that things are finally starting happen on the long awaited day when everyone supports a standard that should have been implemented a long time ago in my opinion, but I digress. (Safari will be released in version 4 for the desktop as well. Apple is touting some major league speed improvements there as well.)
There a many more changes to the new phone including improved GPS and much more. More was announced regarding the new OSX operating system (Snow Leopard) and reduced prices on a number of items including significant price drops on lap tops. The conference lasts all week, so we should see some more interesting things from vendors and Apple as the days go by.
Craig Mullins
Posted at 16:08h, 08 JuneHow exciting, is it time for me to buy one or get the PRE?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 06:09h, 09 JuneNice write up. Wow, $99 — that could change my thinking regarding not buying the new one until next summer (assuming my current iphone lasts that long). But then again, I bet the $99 price point is only for new customers w/ a 2 year contract. I still have another year on my current contract ๐
American Dream Realty Oahu
Posted at 09:08h, 09 JuneWow – I think it is time to finally break down and get one. I have the Blackberry Bold and that has been alright, but I think the iphone is probably better plus many more apps.
I finally got a MacBook Pro a month ago and having fun learning to use it. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks ๐
Geordy Rostad
Posted at 15:50h, 09 JuneNow if they gave me an infrared port, a Sprint version and a Supra/ekey app, I’d be set. What is Apple waiting for? There are a pile of real estate agents who would jump on this thing if they could open lock boxes with it.
Michael Price
Posted at 18:16h, 09 June๐ I’m thinking you’ll be waiting a while.
Craig Mullins
Posted at 18:20h, 09 JuneAnyone know if you can hack the PRE to work on AT&T. Sprint service isn’t very good where I am.
Ana in Houston
Posted at 16:28h, 11 JuneWow, looks pretty cool. I wanted to purchase a new phone, since my screen is broke. However, I’ll just hold out ๐
Bruce Wagg
Posted at 21:04h, 11 JuneAmazing how long it took for cut and paste and push technology.
Steve Trang
Posted at 13:53h, 12 JuneI’ve been waiting for this release, it seems, my whole life. A lot of the neat stuff like sideways keyboard and camcorder mode have been available for quite some time with a jailbroken phone. I’m probably most excited about the ability to play music over bluetooth.
Bob Stoneburner
Posted at 20:54h, 13 JuneWithin 18 month the iPhone won’t even be in the top 10 mobile devices used by sales professionals. Both Microsoft and Google/Cisco have unified communication systems that make today’s email seem archaic. Google plans ten phones and Microsoft plans to license Windows Mobile 7 with over twelve models (including the one it owns). These phones will have everything the iPhone has, an app store, swipe technology, slick UIs. But, because they will tie into email, voice, calendar, schedualing, contact lists, ect, 3rd part dev will make applications that actually have value (like CRM or transaction management). The iPhone will remain a popular consumer product, but not a practical business tool unless they add a real keyboard and strike a deal to license Communications Server 2007 technology. However, don’t be surprised if you are throwing your iPhone away in a year for something much more practical.
Geordy Rostad
Posted at 21:04h, 13 JuneI’ll be marking my ical 18 months in the future with this URL to your prophetic statement ๐
Bob Stoneburner
Posted at 21:42h, 13 JuneGeordy
Hit me up in 18 months. You’ll be able to see my online presence within this website. If I show as ‘online’ feel free to IM. We can elevate to a video phone call with my Windows Mobile 7 phone. If I show as ‘in a meeting’ because my online presence is synced to my calendar, just call from within this site. Someone I have delegated will field the call on my behalf and conference me into the call once my meeting is complete.
I have no doubt Apple is working on a similar system, but they have their work cut out for them. Most of the world uses Exchange Server and Outlook. Eventually all the systems will tie together.
Get Off Balmers Cack
Posted at 21:16h, 08 AprilWow Bob, in the tank much for microsoft? Oh wait, you work for a Microsoft consulting firm. Good luck!