iPhone, iPad, and a Real Estate CRM – Making Them All Work Together
Are you a Mac user? If so, this article is for you. You have a Mac computer, probably an iPhone, and there’s a good chance that you have an iPad or plan on getting one in the near future.
Now, as a REALTOR®, you’re wondering how to integrate your Apple products with a real estate CRM (Disclosure: I work for a company that sells a real estate CRM, IXACTContact). In this blog post, I’m not going to discuss the merits of a CRM or why you should use one, but in case you’re interested, you can read an article I wrote on this topic here.
In this post, you’ll learn what to look out for when shopping for a real estate CRM to ensure that there’s a perfect synergy between your CRM, your Mac computer, your iPhone, and your iPad.
First, you’ll want to make sure that your CRM (or contact management system) is compatible with the Mac operating system and Safari (if it’s a web-based system). If the solution is Mac-friendly, make certain that all the features are 100% compatible. It’s common for CRM companies to claim to be Mac compatible when in reality certain features do not work as well as they do on a PC.
Second, you’ll want to ensure that the real estate CRM is fully optimized for the iPad. Many CRM systems are not, especially if they’re not supported by Safari.
Being able to utilize the full real estate contact management system on the iPad is essential. The iPad has proven itself to be a tremendous tool in assisting REALTORS® with their business while they’re on the road, greatly increasing their productivity. When you can use your real estate contact management system on your iPad, your productivity will increase exponentially.
Make sure that you can use the entire CRM on your iPad and that you don’t have to download an app. Why is it more beneficial for you to have a real estate CRM system that’s fully optimized for the iPad versus going the app route? Here’s the big reason: when you’re required to use an app, your functionality is usually limited. You don’t have access to all the features of the full CRM. And on an iPad, with its nice sized screen, you’ll want to benefit from everything the CRM has to offer.
Another big consideration as an Apple user shopping for a real estate CRM is iPhone synchronization. Does the system synchronize with the built-in iPhone applications, like the calendar and address book native to the device or are you required to download an app?
It’s best if your real estate CRM syncs with the built-in applications on the iPhone for two key reasons. First, when you sync with the native applications (calendar, address book), you don’t have to learn how to use an app (who wants to learn how to use a brand new CRM on their computer AND how to use a separate app on their phone?). Second, it’s more efficient because access to your data will be quicker and easier (simply pull up or add a contact in your address book or add a calendar entry on your iPhone calendar like you normally would).
As a Mac user, you’re likely using Mac Address Book. Ideally, you’ll want a real estate contact management system that will Sync with this software. It’ll make your life A LOT easier.
In my article in SoftwareAdvice.com, where I’m a member of their Software Advisory Board, I mentioned that it’s crucial to have access to the data you need on the road paired with the correct systems in place in order to save time and increase your professional efficiency. As an Apple user, searching for a Mac friendly software that accomplishes what you’re looking for it to do can be hard enough. But when in the market for a CRM, compatibility with the iPad and iPhone also becomes an important factor to take into consideration.
I hope this article has given you some food for thought. Choosing a real estate CRM can be confusing and when you’re a die-hard Apple fan (like I am) it’s sometimes tricky to know the right questions to ask when in the market for a real estate contact management system. Good luck!
Roland Estrada
Posted at 21:03h, 04 FebruaryI happen to like native app systems which is why I use Daylite. The ability for me to link emails to specific clients and properties is priceless. Once they are linked I can delete the email and the email is stored in Daylite forever. I can also sync to Daylite on the road with my iPhone or iPad. Any info entered on the road is at my desktop when I get back to the office. I know there are advantages to having an online system. but there are also advantages to paying for a system once and having it be very scalable with other programs such as VOIP, accounting and other productivity programs.
Amy Pfaff Rose
Posted at 12:19h, 21 JulyAre you still using this? I have an iPhone & iPad and am furious with Top Producer and how awkward it syncs etc. Is this my solution?
Posted at 13:02h, 21 JulyI’m still using Daylite as a CRM in tandem with Reesio as transaction management. Daylite is a Mac only program. You can download it as a trial. It could be your solution if you are a single user. It is a bit geeky but a really great program.
Posted at 13:05h, 21 JulyHere is a Daylite review from a site geared towards reviewing software. It has commentary from agents.
Art Clark
Posted at 12:03h, 08 FebruaryI think the issue is better phrased as “pick a system and stick with it”. The issues of learning curve, compatibility, and working together-ness are bigger than iPhones and CRM. Apple and Google both make their own devices (phone, tablet, PC) work better with each other than they do with the other guys. Just imagine trying to play your music if you have an iPhone, Amazon Kindle Fire, and Google/Gmail! In the end, it’s less important whether you pick Apple or Google than it is that you just pick one and stick with it. IMO.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 21:14h, 08 FebruaryAgree. Picking a system in crucial. The mistake most people make is picking one system, thinking it sucks, picking a different one, migrating all data, thinking it sucks, etc..it’s an endless cycle. There is no perfect solution.
Matthew Collis
Posted at 08:50h, 09 FebruaryHi Art, you’re right that it’s sticking with it is so important- you’re not going to get any value out of a system if you’re not committed to investing the appropriate amount of time into staying with a system and using it consistently. That being said, someone in the market for a CRM needs to make sure the system is compatible with their devices because if it’s not, they’ll run into problems and will not be able to maximize the value and ROI they get from it.
decorative concrete austin
Posted at 03:07h, 09 FebruaryI like your article and it’s helpful also I do agree that real estate CRM could be make your work easy and there is may be some solution about the issues.
Posted at 09:32h, 09 FebruaryI understand that you work for a CRM company, and I appreciate your perspective. But most of us probably have the opposite issue or concern – how to get our EXISTING CRM to work and play well together with our iPhones, iPads, etc. Most agents who have been in the business for a while have a CRM that we are using and happy with. But in the last few years we have purchased iPhones, iPads, and many of us have even switched to Macs. We are not looking for “good CRMs”, but rather we are looking for solutions and workflows that enhance our current systems to make our lives easier, more productive, and more efficient. The last thing most people want to do now is switch to another CRM, now that we have everything set up and running smoothly.
Matthew Collis
Posted at 09:38h, 09 FebruaryI hear you Jim. The problem is, let’s say you buy a Mac computer and it’s not compatible with your current CRM. There’s not a whole lot you can do other than hope that your CRM provider changes things. Not a whole lot I can write about there.
Although it’s often times hard to switch from one CRM to another, with IXACT it’s fairly easy because our Customer Support Team will take care of migrating all the data over for you (free of charge). We can import data into IXACT from most other systems. Feel free to call me personally and we can discuss further – 1-866-665-0018 x1.
Posted at 18:52h, 28 FebruaryI use ixact contact solutions and it works well, Now I need a real estate website that is mac friendly, simple and not too expensive. Does anyone know of a great real estate web site developer who can help me out? [email protected]
Posted at 16:37h, 19 AprilI work on a Mac and use software that is windows-based for promotional material. I need a database that I can import into that windows-based program but maintain on my Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Can yours do this?
Posted at 13:59h, 11 JuneYes, IXACT Contact can do this Christina