There were three comments on Geek Estate Blog this morning that I canned due to being blatant attempts to build links with specific keywords as anchor text. This type of link building is fairly easy to spot because the comments seldom add any value to the conversation — but the three this morning were all beyond blatantly obvious. Why? In addition to adding no value and being on old posts, one e-mail address included the word “linkexchanged” and the other “elinkbuilders”. It’s fairly obvious what [nameremoved][email protected] and [email protected] do for a living.

To the linkbuilders out there, please just do us all a favor and stop these SPAMMY tactics — you’re benefitting no one and damaging your clients’ reputations in the process. Or, if you insist on continuing these tactics (which I wouldn’t recommend), at least get less obvious about it so your comments stand a chance of not getting canned by blog editors.