In my opinion, even with millions of members, LinkedIn has always been a site to ‘meme’ yourself to death, and brag about others.  Recommend, and get recommended.  The site, again in my opinion, was not much more than, an on-line profile, a resume’ of sorts, and a way to have a presence on another semi-social platform.  Naturally though, anyone from any business should, or has a profile there.  Well watch out, LinkedIn has announced some new tools for the members.  I guess LinkedIn wants to be a Bigger player!

Box, Huddle, Amazon, TripIt, SixApart, Google Docs, SlideShare, WordPress and Company Buzz.

These have all been launched for LinkedIn,  and are available now.  Here’s a screen shot from one of my Blogs that now appears on my LinkedIn Profile.

It’s time to syndicate your Blogs and sites over at LinkedIn.  Better get connected and LinkedIn to some of this stuff.  I see awesome potential for some of these new tools and applications, I think they’ll quickly become useful in the on-line business and social media world.

I’ve only had the opportunity to check out a couple of the new features, but so far, I like what I see.  Check out the “New Features” they’ve added.  This is a very good sign that LinkedIn will continue to be a place that experiences growth in size of membership, and hopefully business and social relationships as well.