Links For Real Estate Geeks
I’ve decided to carry on with Drew’s “Links for Geeks” feature. I’ve identified a few gems from my feed reader that perhaps you haven’t seen in the past week.
How To Set Up a Self Hosted WP Blog
Steve at Zeek Interactive (The Company Behind Real Estate Shows) has a concise and simple outline for hosting your own WP blog at Go Daddy.
USB Wall Adapters
How many times have you wanted to charge your iPhone and felt too lazy to hunt down your adapter? This is a Geek “must have”.
GE Sells Supra
GE has sold the Supra system to a company you’ve probably never heard of. Not sure how this will have an impact on the future or your lock boxes. Hopefully the new company is innovative enough to start bringing some much needed technology improvements to the stalwart “holder of the keys”.
Food Not Forks
It’s still hard for this industry to come to grips with the fact that they look more like media companies and content publishers. I watched a Keller Williams broker outline a web strategy yesterday in Austin that was about as comprehensive as it gets in contemporary real estate. It could have just easily been a VC pitch for a content publisher. Not much has changed recently. There is still entirely too much hand wringing and over thinking taking place when it comes to technology. It’s really not about the technology. Cameras don’t take great photos, the person behind the viewfinder does. The technology in the camera is never going to be capable of framing the shot of a lifetime. The creation and distribution of content being employed by The Good Life Team and others like them will become the bellwether by which brokers of the future will succeed. One of the more impressive moments of the presentation was learning that this company made an investment in Sales Force as a CRM tool. Business is still business and understanding the differences between tactics and strategy haven’t changed. 1000Watt says it again in this great post.
Flickr Photo Credit: clairity
Posted at 16:51h, 12 MarchI like your points
Mark A. Menconi Jr.
Posted at 11:16h, 15 MarchThanks for the USB wall tip- I've got a smart phone, so that helps out a lot
ok magazine subscription
Posted at 22:34h, 17 MarchThere is still entirely too much hand wringing and over thinking taking place when it comes to technology.
Fresno CA Apartments For Rent
Posted at 12:05h, 23 MarchRegarding the How To Set Up a Self Hosted WP Blog, there is a new real estate WordPress template out that costs about $90 that looks pretty awesome. You can google it to find it.
Houses In Yorkshire
Posted at 11:44h, 29 AprilI agree with your comments wholeheartedly, tech should always take second place to great content.
Houses In Yorkshire
Posted at 18:44h, 29 AprilI agree with your comments wholeheartedly, tech should always take second place to great content.
Posted at 18:55h, 02 DecemberFor SEO value though, tech seems to be winning over content. At least in my area. Most of the top ranking real estate sites seem to be java or asp driven.
Commercial Real Estate
Posted at 12:46h, 09 AugustOur associates are the best in the business because they put your wishes first, through their expertise, unwavering integrity and passion for service.