Meet the Real Estate Tech Entrepreneur: Christian Sterner
In our latest Meet the Real Estate Tech Entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Christian Sterner of WellcomeMat. I’ve known Christian for a long time, since the earliest days of WellcomeMat close to 7 years ago (has it really been that long?). I can tell you without a doubt that he is one of the class acts of this industry, and if you’re sold on the role of video in real estate and the web in general — and you’re not aware what Christian and his team are working on, you’re making a mistake.
Here’s a bit more about him, from his own mouth…
1) What do you do?
I am the steward of WellcomeMat’s vision for real estate. WellcomeMat enables real estate professionals to reach massive amounts of consumers with every video they upload. When our work is done, consumers will be able to find, watch and share videos about every aspect of real estate.
2) Why do you do what you do?
We believe the video is the most emotionally engaging way to connect people and places. The process of finding a new place to live and work is-in our view-entirely dysfunctional without relevant video content.
Video is becoming the soul of our industry online and the centerpiece of real estate marketing. That’s why : )
3) What are you most excited about right now?
I am most excited about the growth of the video ecosystem in real estate. For a long time, it felt like WellcomeMat and, especially, the filmmakers within our network were pushing real estate video forward on our own. Now, the rock is rolling downhill and picking up steam: agents and brokers know how to use video to win. The “why use video” question doesn’t exist anymore.
There are also great video companies such as BombBomb and pushing the value of video to the forefront. Content, filmmakers and great software are the three elements that will make video the “it” thing in real estate. All three are present.
4) What’s next for you?
We are in the process of applying our most key competitive advantages to completely change how people think of video and its associated costs. The benefits of our near-term product focus are:
- Filmmakers’ value proposition will go up and the cost of hiring them will be less relevant.
- Agents and brokers will reach even more consumers/viewers through WellcomeMat.
- We will utilize our core technologies to unlock an entirely new marketplace around real estate video.
5) What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?
My passions growing up were mostly sports related: lacrosse, soccer, surfing, fishing, biking, snowboarding etc. Now, what I am finding is that all I want to do is help other people to either live richer lives, or achieve their own goals. I’m very passionate about seeing other people win and it makes me feel good to help them do so.
Thanks to Christian for sharing his motivations and current projects. If you’re interested in connecting with Christian further, you can find him on Oh Hey World, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
We’ll be featuring other real estate tech entrepreneurs in the coming weeks. If you are an entrepreneur in the real estate vertical (past or present), and want to be profiled, please sign up for an OHW account and add “real estate tech entrepreneurs” as an interest on your profile — then shoot me an email (drew at ohheyworld).
Posted at 14:25h, 24 JuneChristian is a good dude – cool to see him featured here!
Christian Sterner
Posted at 16:36h, 24 June‘Tis my goal to have “good dude” on the gravestone Michele. Thank you for the kind words.