Meet The Real Estate Tech Entrepreneur: Scott Patterson from Tumble
In this week’s founder interview, we’re bringing you Scott Patterson from Tumble.
Without further ado…
Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Scott Patterson and I founded Tumble in 2019 with a mission to modernize the laundry industry. After serving 11 years in the United States Marine Corps, I was trained to be diligent about my own laundry as well as my fellow Marines. Upon leaving the marines, I moved into a friend’s apartment in San Francisco where was shocked to see dirty laundry rooms with broken machines, stolen clothes, and unreliable customer service. Coalescing my extensive military training with my passion for technology as a means to improve quality of life, Tumble was born with the goal of modernizing this highly-desired amenity. Tumble first launched in San Francisco in 2019 and has since scaled across California, with plans to be in 200 cities and 25 major metros by June 2023. My experience assembling highly-specialized teams has proven successful as I continue to identify and partner with experts in the field. As the organization’s leader, my focus remains on product innovation, talent acquisition, partnership development, and expansion efforts as the team continues to grow.
What problem does your product/service solve?
The way we do laundry hasn’t changed in decades, no one, whether you have your own washer and dryer or go to a laundromat, enjoys it. That’s why we went after the most affected area of the market first, shared laundry, and created Smart Laundry. Using this network we are piloting new ways of doing laundry for everyone, including a networked pickup/delivery model that will fully launch in the near future.
What are you most excited about right now?
Automation is one of the most exciting things of the time we are living in. Things that are dull, dirty, or dangerous are being automated away every day. I believe that real estate is in a position to take advantage of this new wave of automation, as they live at the foundation of the atom-based world. I believe in the near future, you will see micro-factories and micro-farms sprout up across different types of urban basements as an answer to the multiple supply chain issues we face, who knows, maybe you will even see an automated laundry room. This is such a cool time to be working in proptech.
What’s next for you?
Ending laundry day, for good.
What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?
I’ve been active with charity: water since I heard about it in 2019. Such a great cause, with a huge impact. I’ve seen so many charities where 80% goes to the bottom line and 20% of the funds actually get put to work. Water’s model from day one was to have 100% of funds go to water projects, and I am thrilled to be able to support the team in accomplishing so much.
Thanks to Scott for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, find him on LinkedIn here.
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