That’s right. Steve Jobs announced to the WSJ today that the iPhone app store generated over 60 million downloads and a staggering $30 million in sales in it’s first month alone. With a 30% margin, Apple has added an entirely new revenue category that is certain to fuel more momentum to the Halo effect driving Mac market share higher every month. Something tells me the Mojave Experiment isn’t going to do much to stop that train.

Apple’s “Kill Switch” Keeps Tabs on Unatuthorized Apps
Engadget reported last week that it’s possible the new iPhone firmware has been coded to “phone home” to Apple servers and check the validity of apps installed on the phone. As if that isn’t Orwellian enough, the server can disable the app remotely as well. Jobs also confirmed this “feature” of the new software in the interview.

What Are Your Thoughts?
If you have an iPhone, tell us which apps you have downloaded. What are yor favorites? How much did you contribute to the first month sales of the App store? I would also like to hear what you think about the Kill Switch. Me?  Vicinity $2.99 Texas Hold ‘Em $4.99 The rest of my downloads were free and there are too many to list, some great, many not so much.  I find Vicinity very helpful since I have been traveling lately but Texas Hold Em is my favorite app by far.