Mobilegeddon. Are You Ready?
Those that read tech and marketing blogs may already know: Google is releasing a major update to their algorithms that will heavily favor sites that are optimized for mobile.
Search Engine Land has some responses to FAQ’s.
The algorithm change only affects searches done on mobile devices, but as everyone knows, that’s a major chunk of searches — and it’s growing, not shrinking. The prospect of missing all that organic SEO traffic because your site doesn’t work on mobile is one more (really good) reason to migrate into the mobile dominated world we live in.
Want to test your site to see if it fails?
Don’t have a mobile friendly site, and want to get it optimized? Email me -drew[at]horizonapp[dot]co -and I can find someone trusted to do the work for you.
*I’ll out myself on this one before someone else does: doesn’t pass the test. My startup’s site,, does.
Sam DeBord
Posted at 14:08h, 21 AprilSo how custom is the WP theme for GEB?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 14:10h, 21 AprilToo custom. It needs a revamp…it’s been like 4 years since this one went up.
Posted at 16:34h, 21 AprilIt’s for the best, although not exactly altruistic on Google’s part. Still, I like my Google overlords.