Many MLS systems across the United States have been critical of listing aggregator sites like Zillow and Trulia and they now have entered into the arena to try and take back a piece of the pie. MRIS, an east coast MLS (Multiple Listing Service) has rehashed their old public search system to be competitive with Trulia, Zillow, and Redfin style sites. Their HomesDatabase beta test uses Microsoft Mapping functionality, and boasts that “they’ll compete with better and more up to date information”. This interface is a big improvement over their old HomesDatabase website, which was not nearly as quick user friendly or “2.0”.

Impact on Agents:

There is definitely a change in the making for Realtors who operate online. Already Zillow, Trulia and get top rankings in many areas for real estate related terms. With the now serious entrance of Homesdatabase, it will be even more difficult for an individual agent website to compete, especially since MRIS intends to “partner with the other MLS systems to create a complete database covering the U.S.”

There are some benefits for agents with websites though, on each listing, it does add a link to the Agent’s website, so that will be a beneficial source of links and traffic for Realtors listed in the system. It’s yet to be seen if they will be offering widgets and plugins for Realtor websites to utilize their platform. Anyway you cut it, the game is changing once again, hopefully it will be beneficial for both Realtors and consumers!