Must Have Apps For The New Mac User
Judging from the log files to the sites we manage, 2007 could definitely be dubbed the year of the switch. Apple’s market share has seen it’s largest increase in some time. If you’re lucky enough to have joined the cult that is Mac, take a look at this exhaustive list of must have applications. While working on a list of my own, I stumbled upon the blog post from Chris Thomson at the Chris24 blog. Not only does he compile an awesome grouping of great applications, the comments offer a wealth of exploration as well. Hat tip to Dwight Silverman of the Houston Chronicle and thanks to Chris for making this blog post a helluva lot easier to write. So, how many Geek Estate readers are switchers this year? Chime in and tell us your stories.
Steve Castaneda
Posted at 10:19h, 31 DecemberYou know; I was contemplating making the switch this year. I think it’s mostly due to my ignorance in the use of Mac, and I personally don’t visit with anyone regularly that has one to play with theirs enough.
Makes you think; the adoption of Microsoft was so easy because most of the school systems and offices already run office. In a sense, it’s a try before you buy kind a system.
With mac, the adoption in a majority of businesses is pretty slim, so there aren’t many users that have prior experience with a mac, thus lowering their chances of actually having a mac in the future.
I wonder if Apple has any community involvement plans that put Macs in schools so that the next generation has a chance to experience their work before making a computer purchase later in their lifetime.
Norm Fisher
Posted at 18:37h, 31 DecemberThanks Michael. Looks like a great list. I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow.
Steve, if you’ve got your PC cased, using a Mac is very simple. There are only a few quirks you have to get used to. For instance, the delete key moves the cursor in opposite directions. It’s difficult though for an agent to move away from a PC completely because many essential apps won’t run on a Mac. My Mac is like my good friend, but my PC is still my co-worker. 🙂
Happy new year guys!
Kurtis Holsapple
Posted at 22:11h, 01 JanuaryI would love for 2008 to be the year of the switch. If you haven’t read my previous comments before, you wouldn’t know that I am a Linux user. I have been clear of Windows for about two and a half years, and haven’t looked back. For the agent that has been burned in the past, whether it being a virus, spyware or other problem, seriously consider Mac. It may be a bit more expensive up front, but it also won’t come with nearly as many restrictions. If you are a little less brave but still curious, buy a dell pre-installed with Ubuntu Linux. If you don’t like it, wipe it clean and install XP or Vista on it.
I do NOT give credit to anyone that says they don’t want to switch systems because it is uncomfortable or feels different than what they are used to. For anyone that made the switch to Vista from XP, making the switch to another system would be just as easy. This may be why so many people are sticking to XP. Just remember, when Microsoft stops giving support and updates to XP, the virus writers and spyware people are really going to have fun. You’re going to have to upgrade sooner or later (unless you never connect to the internet, but then, how are you reading this?).
If you are worried about software compatibility, just give it a bit more time, or use one of the fully compatible alternate software titles. As the market share for other operating systems grows, so will the demand for cross platform software. Whoever decided to code certain websites for Internet Explorer only really shot themselves in the foot. That is going to be one really hectic month (or longer) when they finally have too many complaints and have to rewrite the system. Not a good plan if you ask me.
Kurtis Holsapple
Posted at 22:17h, 01 JanuaryTo Steve Castaneda:
If you want to see technology that is trying to help schools and libraries, check out OLPC, a non-profit that is out trying to give a laptop to every child. Education is their number one priority.
Dee Copeland
Posted at 12:06h, 03 JanuaryI’m a long-time Mac user, so I’m used to Macs. Keep in mind that the OS is different. The good news is that Windows Vista is trying to copy Apple’s smooth user interface so you pc users can make a switch without losing functionality. 🙂
I will say that using a Mac only OS is not feasible right now for business. When I get my new mac, I’ll still have to put “windoze” on it.