As a still photographer I’ve have difficulty getting into many of the property vids being done for real estate because of all the quality compromises currently necessary with vid. However, when I recently came across this property vid done by Brad Clements of a property vid company in Australia, I was stunned. This by far the best real estate property vid I’ve seen.

Brad is an ex-Hollywood cameraman that worked on big Hollywood films but got home sick for Australia and went back home and started Propvid a company based in Sydney, Melborne, The Gold Coast and Brisbane.

This vid may load slower than you are used to because it’s a large HD file loading off a server in Australia but it’s worth the wait. There is a lower quality version on youtube.

This particular video has won awards for one of the best property vids done in Australia. The lady in the vid is not a model, she is Kristine Lehmann with The Professionals Bonifont Group, the listing agent for Reflection Tower Two at Coolangatta, QLD. Brad has restored my confidence in the potential of property videos.