Sets A High Standard For Property Video
As a still photographer I’ve have difficulty getting into many of the property vids being done for real estate because of all the quality compromises currently necessary with vid. However, when I recently came across this property vid done by Brad Clements of a property vid company in Australia, I was stunned. This by far the best real estate property vid I’ve seen.
Brad is an ex-Hollywood cameraman that worked on big Hollywood films but got home sick for Australia and went back home and started Propvid a company based in Sydney, Melborne, The Gold Coast and Brisbane.
This vid may load slower than you are used to because it’s a large HD file loading off a server in Australia but it’s worth the wait. There is a lower quality version on youtube.
This particular video has won awards for one of the best property vids done in Australia. The lady in the vid is not a model, she is Kristine Lehmann with The Professionals Bonifont Group, the listing agent for Reflection Tower Two at Coolangatta, QLD. Brad has restored my confidence in the potential of property videos.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 10:29h, 05 JuneI checked out the video the other day. All I have to say is — why am I not living in Australia??
HD Video :: Agree with Larry | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 10:15h, 06 June[…] have to agree with my peer at Geek Estate, Larry Lohrman on his perspective yesterday on HD Video. The difference can be simply amazing and the timing of his post is […]
Marianne Yates
Posted at 11:21h, 08 JuneThis is definitely an impressive video. But you’d be hard pressed to find many agents willing to pay upwards of $2500 for a virtual tour. This one was definitely paid for by the developer. Their lower end packages are no better than the videos we produce, which are more in line with what agents are willing/able to spend and still good quality.
Brett Clements
Posted at 01:47h, 29 JuneThankyou Larry. It is actually Brett Clements but Brad is better than Bert. Anyway. Thankyou for your compliments. Reflections was at the high end of our product offers. I disagree with Marianne Yates who says our lower end products are no better than virtual tours. Seriously. We shot High Definition Pictures, packed with lifestyle and aerials; we see Agents move through time and space. With audio commentary and music. For as little as $250 AUS. I believe any form of video knocks the socks off virtual tours which use almost fish-eye lenses to give a false perspective on the property. Then again. I don’t sit at home and watch photographs on my television. But thanks for your comments. Always appreciated.
Marianne Yates
Posted at 09:31h, 29 JuneHi Brett,
I actually said that the lower end packages aren’t any better than our VIDEO tours, not virtual (i hate stitched photos). And I wasn’t trying to knock your product, I think it’s absolutely impressive. I just find it irritating that many critics of video don’t seem to like anything but super high production quality video that most agents just can’t afford. But they always talk about TurnHere, etc. We offer very affordable video tours that are of great quality, but without the high end production costs that come with it, so that they can be affordable for your average agent. That’s all I was saying. I’m sorry if it came across as a knock down to your product, which was certainly not my intent.
Brett Clements
Posted at 15:24h, 29 JuneThat’s OK Marianne. I think, because of the market we serve, there will always be a perception we’re not good film-makers. That perception will change, over time (one hopes). Turnhere started off making property videos and diversified. We started out as Smash! Pop! back in late 2003 early 2004. Today, we are starting to diversify but we aren’t seeing a problem with Vendors paying good money for good quality. The Reflection vid was $12k. And it was financed by a developer. But we shoot about one 10k job a month, and most are commissioned by Vendors who see more benefit in having a great production online and working for 12 months, than an ad in the newspaper – which is gone with the flip of a page. The bulk of our productions run about $800. So. I think its changing but I also think it is important we don’t cheapen video but putting absurd price tags on it. Giving it away will only see us shoot ourselves in the foot when in comes to upgrading equipment, paying better salaries etc. So. I’m think we’re on the same page. Good luck with everything.
Ted Mackel
Posted at 21:26h, 14 JulyThe most common comment I get from buyers in my cars is…… “this house look much better in the pictures on the internet”
All the photographer did for the listing agent and sellers is create a let down in a potential buyer. If your pictures overstate reality then you just did a huge diservice to your sellers.
Video is going to be the same. Make the house realistic. Give the buyers something to be excited about when they arrive.
Artsy types don’t get it. Whe you photograph or video a home think like a buyer and not a media company.
Posted at 14:04h, 01 SeptemberIsn’t making the house more realistic a plus if you have a decent product to market? Maybe a client doesn’t live close by to take an actual viewing and would appreciate an online viewing? Nothing better that turning up at a property and it is nicer than you imagined, but it’s getting the client there which is the tricky issue and in todays market it certainly will not get any simplier. So video tours can offer the marketing of property online a new dimension in order to stimulate interest from potential clients. We offer free advertising for all property for sale that use video footage to aid in marketing, we wish to prove that video property tours are the way forward.
Christopher W
Watch TV Shows Online
Posted at 21:35h, 09 DecemberFinally, I would suggest that once these “easily accessible dev tools” are in place, that you have a coding competition. I have followed the GBA, DS, and PSP homebrew dev scenes and they love a good competition. If you can get some sponsors to put up some nice prizes and set some ground rules, I think you would get a fantastic amount of great input. If it is all open sourced, we could use all the code as the basis for future development as well. Just some thoughts!
Posted at 09:29h, 27 FebruaryI find that the best way to get tv online is to get a pc satellite tv software free download
Ex Back
Posted at 05:57h, 07 Junewell, Are you using a standard HD digi cam or have you experimented with the new video capable
Ex Back
Posted at 12:57h, 07 Junewell, Are you using a standard HD digi cam or have you experimented with the new video capable
Posted at 09:45h, 31 AugustIt is clear that the guy is a real professiona that knows exactly what he is doing. Maybe Australia actually needed him to go home so he can start his company. Maybe that was his destiny.
dieta personalizata
Posted at 16:03h, 03 JanuaryI was been scouring the google for this information and just wanted to say thanks to u for this post. Also, just off topic, where can i download a version of this theme? – 10x
Posted at 18:02h, 05 JulyThis one is truly looking just awesome video. And the contents of this post really makes me crazy about it. And the video features are really mind blowing. This one is extremely looking one of the best experienced post about it. Thanks for sharing.
All Property Management
Posted at 18:02h, 05 JulyThis one is truly looking just awesome video. And the contents of this post really makes me crazy about it. And the video features are really mind blowing. This one is extremely looking one of the best experienced post about it. Thanks for sharing.
All Property Management