When you decide to start a webpage, the first thing you select is your domain name. Although you can get domain names for $5-$10 nowadays, it is hard to get the popular domain names that were originally acquired years ago. One example of an incredibly popular domain name is RealEstate.com. Who in real estate would not want the domain name RealEstate.com? Well, the domain name has just been sold for significantly more than $5-$10.

Believe it or not, popular and desired domain names can go for several million dollars, as the owner of RealEstate.com just realized. The transaction included hundreds of real estate domain names, including RealEstate.com, as well as a network of brokerage companies. The entire package sold for a shocking $8.25 million. The new owner is MarketLeader.com.

The new website will be revamped and updated to help assist real estate professionals, buyers, and sellers acquire the information and connections they need.

Why is this acquisition an incredible deal for MarketLender?

First and foremost, MarketLender obtained an incredible domain name in a pivotal real estate market. The acquisition will allow the company to take advantage of the current real estate market and recreate the website in a manner that attracts a variety of individuals. The key to making this website successfully in being able to link real estate professionals with key players in the real estate industry while providing essential information to buyers and sellers. High quality information will be the starting point for this website.

Second, MarketLender is already well-known in the field and is more than prepared to move forward with high-quality marketing that will attract visitors to their newly acquired websites. Obviously having a domain name like RealEstate.com will work in their advantage as one of the most important keywords is already in the domain name.

In the end, it will be interesting to see what MarketLender does with these domains and to keep track of the incredible profits the company is likely to make if they structure the website in a user-friendly and informative manner. Sure, $8.25 million is a large sum of money, but the company will probably make that back and much more just on RealEstate.com alone.