Remzy, a service for agents, predicts off-market homes likely to sell, sends the homeowner an offer via FedEx
[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the Geek Estate Mastermind. Today’s showcase: Remzy]
Remzy is a real estate data platform to help agents think outside the MLS by empowering off-market deals. They utilize geographic farming and intelligent filtering to help your buyers gain access to new inventory.
Agents and brokers alike know that finding the perfect house can be just as difficult as selling a property. With the age of technology, however, solutions exist to make every stage of home buying and selling easier. Remzy is a unique, online tool that serves you from start to finish — finding your client the ideal home to contacting homeowners to making an offer. Remzy helps to hardness the power of online databases to work for you through its robust search engine. Allowing you to filter your clients’ search by zip code, Remzy grants you special insight into the homes that match your buyer’s criteria. You can also search based on last sold date, price and estimated value.
“Created on the idea that as technology is changing the role of the real estate agent, so too is technology changing the way Home Buyers try to connect on a peer-to-peer level with Homeowners,” David Marc Harris, founder of Remzy said. “Simply said, Remzy is disrupting the ever-changing landscape of real estate — without ever having to knock on a door.”
What we like: By allowing you to search for a specific address, search by city or zip code, Remzy gives agents and brokers an intimate knowledge of potential off market properties, making the search and negotiation process easier. We all know every property is for sale for the right price, and Remzy is working to digitize that inventory.
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