#retechchat Topic of Conversation – Top Blog: what one post, on your blog, has had the most hits all time.
Tonight’s topic of conversation will be Top Blog: what one post, on your blog, has had the most hits all time. So, bloggers help us out. What do those of us trying to attract attention to our real estate blog need to focus on?
If you have questions, want to learn, or just lurk – join the conversation Monday (3/5/12) at 6 PM PST / 9 PM EST.
For those who want to participate in #retechchat Monday evening, there are a few options:
- Follow the #retechchat hashtag
- Add a search column to Tweetdeck for the hashtag #retechchat
- Join Tweetchat under #retechchat (recommended approach)
See you there!
P.S. If you would like to request future topics, find me on twitter.
Heba Hosny
Posted at 12:57h, 13 MarchThat’s a great chat topic. I am so sorry I missed it but I can still answer the question. We recently published a blog post at Garious titled “On-Ramp: Holistic Solutions For Your Customer’s Problems” that received very high viewership. I guess the reason is that Real Estate agents realize that carefully identifying the customer’s problems and offer viable solutions to them is the key to creating a thriving RE business. To our success!