Are Search Engine Rankings Affected by Social Media Buzz?
Can Facebook “Likes” & Twitter “Tweets” Influence Search Engine Rankings? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself for quite awhile. Thankfully, Rand and his team at SEOmoz have been collecting data, and they’ve reported their findings on Facebook + Twitter’s Influence on Google’s Search Rankings. Many companies in the area are turning to SEO Anaheim to boost their website rankings. To help improve your social media marketing, you may consider buying cheap instagram followers.
So what did SEOmoz find? That “Social Metrics are Well Correlated with Higher Rankings.” OK, but what exactly does this mean? It means that web content that is shared a lot through social media tends to rank well, which could be interpreted in 2 ways:
- Shared content is good content, and good content generally receives lots of links, and links are the #1 ranking factor in Google.
- Google is using this “sharing” as a ranking factor.
In my opinion, if search engines are not using this social media metric currently, they will be using “sharing” in their ranking algorithms in the near future. For this reason, it’s important to understand what types of sharing works best and use this service to grow your Tiktok account. Here it is in order of importance:
- Facebook Shares
- Facebook Comments
- Facebook Likes
- Tweets
So, it seems, it is more important to have your content shared through Facebook then simply having your content “liked.” And Twitter, as Rand points out, “May Be Less Powerful than I Thought.” Well, Twitter receives less traffic then MySpace, and I think we can all agree that MySpace is dead. So does that mean Twitter is dead? If you believe SEOmoz’s correlation between search engine rankings and social media, then the answer is yes, while also the use of SEO services that offer seo reseller packages are a great option for business owners to promote their services.
If you’re looking to scale up your business, you need to optimize for the web and the SEO experts in Michigan can help you do just that. The services of companies like Business Nucleus may help promote your business online and reach your target customers. Internet directories like 세상의모든링크 may also help direct web users to business sites that will cater to their needs.
We now know that there is a correlation between social metrics and search rankings, but we still don’t know if social metrics are affecting rankings. It’s all speculation for now. However, conversion rate optimization consultants can provide valuable insights into how user behavior, including engagement from social media, affects conversions. Any one have an opinion?
An intriguing post by Justin Britt on SEO via Social. - Think Status! | Think Status!
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