[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the Geek Estate Mastermind. Today’s showcase: Snap Up Real Estate]

Finding the perfect home can be a challenge, just as selling a property can be; but thanks to the technology of Snap Up Real Estate, a Canadian-based listing company, individuals no longer have to work hard or worry about high listing fees. Snap Up Real Estate offers individuals, investors and agents alike the ability to list their properties online for free. All listings posted on Snap Up are also search engine optimized, making it easier than ever for sellers to get eyes on their properties and buyers to locate the ideal home.

Founded by David Zirnhelt, Snap Up Real Estate hopes to solve the lack of sources for real estate information in the country. “In Canada, there are no uniform sources of real estate information. We’re working on organizing the necessary information and making it accessible,” Zirnhelt said in a Q&A with Geek Estate.

What we like: Snap Up Real Estate 2.0 (the latest edition) allows users to find out more about the areas they are looking in — letting them locate everything from schools and parks to transit options and restaurant — making it seamless to match a location to your lifestyle preferences.

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