Social Media & Ripping Apart the Fabric of Society
I’m a huge fan of Chamath Palihapitiya & his drum of working on hard problems (see here). He says what everyone is thinking, but are too scared to say publicly.
Here’s a recent talk at the Stanford Business School that generated press that Facebook has been forced to respond to:
Go to minute 21:30 for this thoughts on what Facebook has become and how social media is ripping apart the fabric of how society works.
Experiencing the real physical world is what living is all about. It’s how you build community. I think a lot about how social media & screen addiction is eroding society by re-wiring our brains for instantaneous feedback. Horizon is my attempt to not stand idle & let screen addiction run rampant world wide — but instead to do something about it.
Get off your screen every once and awhile.
Posted at 09:07h, 13 DecemberI personally don’t think Social Media is the culprit here and it really doesn’t do any service to blame something other than our own selves for what is occurring. The real culprit is that so many people in society respond without any sense of fairness and respect for others. Their behavior is the culprit here, not Social Media platforms.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 14:16h, 28 DecemberI agree with you; it is ultimately the fault of the individuals. But I think it’s naive to ignore FB’s impact on society given their reach of over a billion people a month. What they do (and don’t do) matters.
Posted at 08:26h, 29 DecemberI certainly agree that FB has huge impact on society, but so have countless other types of communication platforms that came earlier. Remember chat rooms in AOL or message servers that were pre-1984? I’ll bet you dont. Facebook is a platform, it’s not a template of how we should respond or react. That’s totally a personal choice.