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Tag: consumer facing MLS

Should the MLS care about what their members think?

Should the MLS care about what their members think?

  For me the answer is yes! For others the answer is no, in certain situations. For example, when my MLS made a decision to give Zillow our listings, they did not do a poll to see if their members wanted this service, they just…

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…or the “Baltimore Orioles plan to learn football to compete with Denver Broncos”

…or the “Baltimore Orioles plan to learn football to compete with Denver Broncos”

@drewmeyers or "Baltimore Orioles plan to learn football to compete with Denver Broncos" — Greg Fischer (@FischRealEstate) October 9, 2013 Following today’s recent news, I was going to rant about the public facing MLS issue again. But I already wrote that post back in…

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