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Tag: iPhone

Mobile Software Retailer Does $30m In Sales First Month!

Mobile Software Retailer Does $30m In Sales First Month!

That’s right. Steve Jobs announced to the WSJ today that the iPhone app store generated over 60 million downloads and a staggering $30 million in sales in it’s first month alone. With a 30% margin, Apple has added an entirely new revenue category that is…

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iPhone 2.0hhh Nooo!

iPhone 2.0hhh Nooo!

Take a tip from me. If you’re a first gen iPhone user, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UPGRADE TO THE NEW FIRMWARE. Give it a few days. The iTunes server will most likely render your phone useless as it has in my case. After downloading and…

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GoogleTalk Released For The iPhone

GoogleTalk Released For The iPhone

Google has released an iPhone specific version of its popular instant messaging client, GoogleTalk. I had a chance this evening to give it a try during a brief chat session with Drew Meyers and I must say it worked flawlessly. The speed is good and…

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