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Tag: realstir

Trying to Deliver Everything…

Trying to Deliver Everything…

I watched the following video on Realstir’s Angel List profile (a startup I’ve previously written about): After watching it, I don’t know what their focus is at all. What’s the one unique differentiator that is going to cause consumers to use Realstir instead of Zillow,, or…

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Realstir, AirBnB, Zillow…and A Few Thoughts

Realstir, AirBnB, Zillow…and A Few Thoughts

I came across Realstir recently, and their “Try Before You Buy” concept/trademark. A blend of Zillow & AirBnB essentially. Thought I’d share a few thoughts… AirBnB and partnered in a very similar fashion in June of last year (see here). That initiative is already…

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