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Tag: redfin

VC Money, Startup Technology, and Real Estate:  Does Hubris Trump Ethics?

VC Money, Startup Technology, and Real Estate: Does Hubris Trump Ethics?

The real estate industry, slow to adapt to new technology, has been experiencing growing pains from outside startup technology companies pushing the boundaries of its comfortable digs.  The latest flavor of dust-up was well-documented by Drew Meyers of Geek Estate.  Redfin’s Agent Scouting Reports change the…

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Once Again, It Is the Outsiders Innovating

Once Again, It Is the Outsiders Innovating

Yup, it’s happened again. Outsiders have out innovated real estate industry insiders. This time it is Redfin’s Agent Scouting Report. Any agent’s entire sale history analyzed and overlaid out on a map. Brilliant. For an example, take a look at Kris Berg‘s scouting report. I picked…

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