I think it’s safe to say many local real estate markets are now buyers markets — NAR published a press release saying that, at the end of July, inventory of (existing) homes available for sale had reached 9.6 months of supply. For real estate agents, this likely means you’re finding it harder then ever to move your listings; meaning marketing your listings broadly is crucial. Marketing broadly means syndicating listings to as many websites as physically possible so as to maximize the possibility that a prospective buyer will find it. After all, not all buyers look at the same web sites, so why not advertise your listings everywhere — especially if the cost is minimal/free? Whether a home buyer is searching on Zillow (my employer), Trulia, Craigslist, the New York Times, Yahoo Real Estate, Google Base, or Realtor.com – your listing should be there.


There are numerous technology companies that specialize in syndicating your listings information out to a host of other websites — here’s the vendors I’ve come across who can help:

If I am missing a technology provider on this list, please let me know and I’ll update the list.

Updated: Additional companies I’ve come across –