If you haven’t heard the Steve Jobs’ news, you’ve been under a rock today. It’s a sad day for the technology industry, and the world to see a true pioneer, innovator, and leader leave this world at the age of 56. Steve Jobs continually strove for — and achieved — greatness in everything he pursued. And after he achieved greatness in one industry? He continued on and tackled the next big challenge in another. It could be argued the iPod, iTunes, iPhone, and iPad are the greatest string of products in the history of the technology industry — each one fundamentally changing how people consume various media. Aside from the iPad (I’m still waiting for someone to send me a free one), I use each and every one of those devices on a daily basis. There’s been no shortage of coverage of Steve’s passing, so I’ll leave it at that and resist the temptation to ramble.

For a little inspiration, here’s his commencement speech at Stanford for those who haven’t seen it already. I’ve seen this video shared no fewer than 100 times in the last few hours, so I’m guessing you have too — but it’s worth watching again (I bet this video has already added over a million views since the public announcement early of Jobs’ passing this afternoon).

Steve — thank you for everything you did.