You should all read Brian’s Friday Flash (on Thursday) post before the holiday weekend. It’s worth the read.

I agree with Brian, I don’t think it can be said that today’s real estate process is more efficient. In fact, it’s less efficient and more complicated.

The graphic 1000Watt put together is telling…


Buyers and sellers used to need real estate professionals because there was no information available to them.

Then the internet and online advertising came along and, suddenly, all the data is out there for everyone. Anything and everything is at the fingertips for buyers and sellers.

Now, buyers and sellers need real estate professionals to sort through the mounds and mounds of data available across thousands of websites and apps, decipher it, and provide a concise summary of what they actually need to know.

Even though I may be wrong, I still believe the future of real estate search is less. A LOT less. Filter out ALL the noise for your buyers, and ONLY serve them the homes they will love.

Nailing search – which perhaps is actually enabling a scenario where search doesn’t exist at all – is the key to nailing a better overall real estate transaction. We’re certainly not there yet.

Have a great 4th of July weekend.