The Launching Of Zillow's Agent Websites With IDX… Is The Playing Field Changing?
The Latest Move, Zillow’s Agent Websites..
Last week saw the launch of Zillow’s agent websites with idx. From the onset, it appears like a too good to be true offering. Wordpress site, domain, hosting, idx and support all for $10 a month. This move brings up so many questions..
- What is the benefit to Zillow? Access to more listings? Trying to become all things to all agents?
- Is this a back door or a more direct path to the listing data with the multiples?
- Will there be any seo benefits, services or links offered to these agent sites leveraged by their seo powers? According to their chat rep, the answer is no. I understand this could potentially compete with their own site but I assume Zillow must understand that their likely clients for these sites are not likely to be powerhouses or heavy hitters.
- How did the Diverse Solutions acquisition play into this and could that have any impact on the their clients outside of Zillow?
What are your thoughts?
Here is the video Zillow posted…
Sam DeBord,
Posted at 07:11h, 06 JuneJason, good questions. In terms of SEO, there is certainly a potential for a lot of backlinking to Zillow. The footer has a link to Zillow link in it, which can be turned off, but the vast majority of users probably won’t figure that out (or even realize its importance). The footer link is the same practice that many WP theme creators use, nothing nefarious about it, just something to be aware of.
The use of Zillow widgets within your agent site can also redirect traffic. Although they have good information, clicking on them leads buyers to the Zillow site and back to a larger pool of agents/competitors. From a lead generation standpoint, it’s a net negative, in my opinon, to send your buyer traffic out to another lead-generating site, even if the widget data is interesting.
Overall, the look and the options are pretty phenomenal at $10/mo (there will be MLS fees tacked on for some brokers/agents, so it may be $60/mo, for example, in the NWMLS). In terms of actual lead generation, though, it’s a tough sell without stripping it down to its basics.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 17:12h, 06 JuneFor $10/mo? A no brainer for any agent who is not REALLY serious about their online marketing.
Sam DeBord,
Posted at 17:46h, 06 JuneIt’s a lot like the Seattle Toyota dealer creating a new website on a platform with a bunch of links to on it. You’re correct that the agents who are not that serious will use it, and they’ll be the ones who leave all of the outbound links in their sites.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 18:16h, 06 JuneGood for Zillow then 🙂
Jason Richards
Posted at 20:20h, 06 JuneThey really have nothing to lose and everything to gain….
Jeff Manson
Posted at 17:48h, 06 JuneYep… business card online… That is about it.. Not good if they are serious about lead conversion.. Most agents throw money away at crap all
the time..
Neal Cabage
Posted at 09:54h, 06 JuneIn Feburary the CEO of Zillow talked about their vision for the future of the company. The stated goal was to become the one-stop shop for marketing solutions, for agents. And this is consistent with recent acquisitions such as DiverseSolutions and Postlets. There are many goals achieved with this move but I think the single most important move, is to drive out a lot of the “noise” and competition they currently face in the Internet market for agents field. In fact, I recently created an index of companies servicing agents related to online marketing and I came up with 167 companies. No kidding – 167! So if they can knock over 3/4s of these companies with this action and simultaneously engender goodwill for agents who might spend money on product, then all the better.
Regarding SEO links, you’re thinking too small business. Considering Google’s proclivity to tweaking their algos and in light of the recent Penguin update that directly attacks these sorts of link profiles, (a) the SEO upside will be mitigated over time and (b) a large business wouldn’t spend money or strategy hours on something so fly-by-night. If they happen to get SEO benefit along the way, great! But they’re not going to launch a multi-million dollar initiative over it.
As for a backdoor way to get data – well, that’s interesting. Perhaps yeah it blurs the lines syndication/IDX data policies a bit and allows them to improve their data a bit … except they recently (voluntarily) released their own manifesto for proper use of data, which explicitly excludes use of data on other owned properties, other than those granted permission to use the data.
No – I think the big story here – is Zillow trying to clear the Internet marketing table of excessive competitors, so they can run the table. And I think you’ll see a lot of premium services (think premium designs and lead services) introduced on top of this platform later this year, once they have a lot of the ‘noise’ competition on the run!
Sam DeBord,
Posted at 12:30h, 06 JuneRegarding SEO, I think you’re definitely right that these links aren’t a major part of Zillow’s initiative, just another benefit. Penguin drilled some theme designers for these footer links, but Zillow’s overall link profile is far too large for that to happen to them.
I’d disagree that it’s thinking “too small business” for the individual agent, though. Zillow may not be overly concerned about the links, but an individual agent who loses a few clients to Zillow through widget links should be very concerned. Most agents close less than a dozen transactions/year, so every lead is crucial. This is more of a conversion issue than SEO.
Of course, doing nothing is the worst answer. I can see some agents going this route because it’s easy and inexpensive. The risk of conversion loss might not be enough to outweigh those benefits.
Jeff Manson
Posted at 09:57h, 06 JuneI agree with Sam.. The backlinks to Zillow is going to really help them
out rank most agents and only make the agents more dependent on Zillow for traffic…
Plus all the widgets agents are putting on their sites helps Zillows SEO
and also helps drive traffic back to Zillow… Just a win for Zillow.
If agents were smart they would just get a good site that actually
converts better than the crap they are almost giving away and drive
traffic from Craigslist and Google adwords. That traffic converts at a
much higher rate then the traffic you pay to get from Zillow anyways.
Come on agent… wake up!! You are shooting yourself in the foot…
Then you have agents and trainers selling out telling you how great it
is going to be.. They are getting paid to do that 😉 If Trulia or paid them more they would be pushing them!!! They don’t have
your best interest in mind.. They have their pocket book!!
Neal Cabage
Posted at 15:54h, 06 JuneI have a sneaking suspicion will launch their own wordpress platform for agent websites in coming months. 😉
Drew Meyers
Posted at 17:05h, 06 JuneI would bet you are right
Hawaii Real Estate
Posted at 13:25h, 08 JuneI have wondered how many agents actually have their own sites and what
percentage of those use something like this rather than building their
own site? I know that it will be an unbelievably high percentage. I
guess I just want to know how many agents are like sheep.
Ross K.
Posted at 12:34h, 12 JuneAgents are creatures of habits. Whether it is the same template website they signed up for 5 years ago or the regular non-responsive ads they have crafted for 15, they seldom if ever change.
Zillow has made a very strategic move that simply moves Agents under the Zillow Banner. Relying upon 1000’s of Agents to direct consumers to urls supported by the Zillow infrastructure is clearly another way Zillow is using the lack of expertise in the Agent community to capitalize on their ignorance. Sadly the major franchise brands are not educating their brand users with information on key business strategies the Agent needs to use to control their business.
As Zillow builds syndication inventory and draws more and more home buyers to any site it’s platform supports, you will see the ability for a low cost (to the Agent) alternate to the MLS to be able to be created.
Anyone who does not believe Zillow wants to replace MLS is foolish. Any Agent who adds to Zillow’s cause is short sighted and will not be prepared when the U.S. market begins to recover.
Posted at 07:58h, 15 JuneWe got the Premier Website for free for being a Zillow Premier Agent and buying a zip code. We have to a decent ROI on the zip code we purchased but as for the site I would like some opinions. We are not going to use it as our main site, our main site is actually being redone right now and will launch next week. But I have heard conflicting things from other places. Some people say to take it down, it’s going to compete with and dilute your main site. Others say why not, it’s free. The site is and I have found that you can customize the search pages by adding menu items based on the Diverse Solutions naming convention, so instead of just add a Community Page with what looks like dsIDXpress output you can also get a map search feature as well. It’s honestly not a bad site. But I don’t want to take away or compete wit our main site. I just see it as another way to capture leads. Thought or opinions?
Gabe Sanders
Posted at 06:39h, 23 JuneI thought that I’d try it out. They wouldn’t let me know before I paid that their’s no IDX feed from my MLS and if I wanted it, would need to pay extra monthly. I would like them to be able to give me some alternative search possibilities that I could use.