The Latest Move, Zillow’s Agent Websites..

Last week saw the launch of Zillow’s agent websites with idx. From the onset, it appears like a too good to be true offering.  Wordpress site, domain, hosting, idx and support all for $10 a month.  This move brings up so many questions..

  • What is the benefit to Zillow?  Access to more listings?  Trying to become all things to all agents?
  • Is this a back door or a more direct path to the listing data with the multiples?
  • Will there be any seo benefits, services or links offered to these agent sites leveraged by their seo powers? According to their chat rep, the answer is no. I understand this could  potentially compete with their own site but I assume Zillow must understand that their likely clients for these sites are not likely to be powerhouses or heavy hitters.
  • How did the Diverse Solutions acquisition play into this and could that have any impact on the their clients outside of Zillow?

What are your thoughts?

Here is the video Zillow posted…