The Opportunity to Nail Local
I’d argue that real estate agents/brokers are in a better opportunity to nail local than anyone else (remember, you should be the local expert). For those who want to reach home owners in your own local area — read this post. It’ll get you thinking on a Sunday.
Dean Ouellette
Posted at 17:12h, 10 FebruaryThanks for that drew…Got me thinking. I’m active in kids school. Sports, boosters, dads club etc.., what if you started a blog for the school? Could have coaches email you and update scores, info on parenting events, highlight a different teacher of the month etc… Have site sponsored by You Local REALTOR… I think in a lot of suburban areas could make more sense than a community page
Drew Meyers
Posted at 19:36h, 11 Februarywhat if you ran the school website for them? most school websites suck.
NextDoor Launches Version 2 - GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 13:00h, 12 February[…] just talked about nailing local the other day. Today, NextDoor launched version 2 of their […]