Social media will NOT radically transform your business in the next 12 months. Or likely the next 24 months.

There. I said it. Like anything else in life, success with social media takes time and effort. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that social media is not the silver bullet and it never will be.

In every industry, there are always things that are overhyped because marketers need something to talk about. I believe that social media (along with QR Codes) is one of those things right now in the real estate industry. From conference go-ers I trust, I hear that “social media sessions are overflowing” at every conference over the past 6 months. Everyone (and their mother) is now offering or charging for social media training. Most of you know I’m a huge proponent of social media – if done right, it’s one of the most powerful marketing tools available. But to succeed, you have to be doing it for the right reasons. And the right reason is not “just for the money” or because you heard someone at a conference say “you have to be on social media”. The right reasons include the desire to help others through their problems, share your life’s stories, put the truth out there, and the love of building relationships. Unfortunately, I sense that the reason most agents are running toward social media like a chicken with its head cut off is the exact the reason they will fail — it’s all about the $$.

Want to succeed with social media?

Be genuine, help others, have a real strategy, and execute.

Want to make thousands, do little to zero work, and have leads and clients pounding on your phones tomorrow?

Get a clue. And a new profession.

Sorry, I’ll get off my soapbox now.