The Truth About Social Media & Real Estate. Someone Has to Say It
Social media will NOT radically transform your business in the next 12 months. Or likely the next 24 months.
There. I said it. Like anything else in life, success with social media takes time and effort. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that social media is not the silver bullet and it never will be.
In every industry, there are always things that are overhyped because marketers need something to talk about. I believe that social media (along with QR Codes) is one of those things right now in the real estate industry. From conference go-ers I trust, I hear that “social media sessions are overflowing” at every conference over the past 6 months. Everyone (and their mother) is now offering or charging for social media training. Most of you know I’m a huge proponent of social media – if done right, it’s one of the most powerful marketing tools available. But to succeed, you have to be doing it for the right reasons. And the right reason is not “just for the money” or because you heard someone at a conference say “you have to be on social media”. The right reasons include the desire to help others through their problems, share your life’s stories, put the truth out there, and the love of building relationships. Unfortunately, I sense that the reason most agents are running toward social media like a chicken with its head cut off is the exact the reason they will fail — it’s all about the $$.
Want to succeed with social media?
Be genuine, help others, have a real strategy, and execute.
Want to make thousands, do little to zero work, and have leads and clients pounding on your phones tomorrow?
Get a clue. And a new profession.
Sorry, I’ll get off my soapbox now.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 00:39h, 05 AprilWhat!? You tell me this now!!! 😉
Posted at 04:30h, 05 AprilI know – I should have told you this 3 years ago 🙂
Sam DeBord,
Posted at 01:42h, 05 AprilHa! I wondered when my 1,000 followers on Twitter were going to start mailing me checks. It seems that half of them are SEO, business marketing, and MLM “gurus”. The other half are agents.
Posted at 04:05h, 05 AprilDrew, right on!
Scott Pierce
Posted at 04:31h, 05 AprilWhich ‘new’ profession would that be that you refer to at the end there….the description of it sounds great. “Make thousands, do little to zero work, and have leads and clients pounding on ‘my’ phone tomorrow”
Posted at 11:28h, 05 AprilSadly, too many dive into social media without understanding the basics. Which only makes it easier for those that are willing to help others, engage and most importantly listen. Thank you for a great post.
Sara Bonert
Posted at 13:08h, 05 AprilHey Drew – As a ‘preofessional conference attender’ (believe me, I’ve earned this title, haha) – you are right that there was no shortage of social media sessions to choose from this trade show season. However, this year I what stuck me (in the good sessions at least) was how there are starting be some good conversations around mixing ‘traditional’ and ‘social’ strategies when discussing an age old techniques such as prospecting or keeping in touch with your spheres. For example, continue doing your direct mail piece but include your facebook strategy on it; or do some door to door knocking to blanket advertise an open house, but give them info that takes them to a web page with video. Those are sort of weak examples because my brain is still fried from the 12 shows we did in March, but you get the point. So I believe the right mix is starting to be taught by the good instructors.
Posted at 16:53h, 05 AprilThats good to hear that the good instructors are taking this approach. To me, success with social media comes back to bringing what people are already doing offline ONLINE.
Posted at 16:45h, 05 AprilOh my gosh, thank you. I see so many people trying to use social media tools and its taking up all their time while they forget about their real strategy. Love what you said about the right reasons. People want to connect with people who care know matter what field you are in.
Justin Britt
Posted at 22:24h, 05 AprilGreat post Drew! Thank you so much. I’ve been trying to preach this to my Realtors who think we need QR codes and Social Media to do their job.
Jason mKey
Posted at 23:16h, 05 AprilWell said Drew
Andrea Geller
Posted at 23:50h, 05 AprilI agree with you. Like Sara I have been to a conference or 2 and the sessions are always packed. As you stated it is a tool. Regardless of the industry you can never be a single tool show. Social media is not the panacea that is going to turn around a real estate agents career. In a market like we had in the not so decent past all many needed was a heart beat.
You will probably have the same disappointing results with social media if you never where a good or great marketer/communicator/networker utilizing means that existed before Facebook and Twitter.
Davenport Crocker
Posted at 00:48h, 06 AprilWell said. Social media won’t transform a mediocre agent into a super star but it may let more people know they’re mediocre in a hurry. As in seemingly everything, a proper balance will ensure consistent and repeatable results not dropping everything for every new idea that explodes into our world. “Social media is an ingredient, not an entree” don’t know who said it but I like it. Great article Drew
Posted at 03:01h, 06 AprilAwwwww, refreshing post. Unfortunately, way too many agents buy into the kool-aid: engage in social media (even if you have no strategy or purpose) and you will become the next Russell Shaw or Jay Thompson.
Katie Minkus, R(B)
Posted at 19:17h, 06 April@Alex… can you believe I don’t know who Russell Shaw or Jay Thompson are?? hee.
Katie Minkus, R(B)
Posted at 08:19h, 06 AprilAloha Drew… I think you could have deleted every other part of your soapbox blog but this: “But to succeed, you have to be doing it for the right reasons. And the right reason is not “just for the money” or because you heard someone at a conference say “you have to be on social media”. The right reasons include the desire to help others through their problems, share your life’s stories, put the truth out there, and the love of building relationships.”
The truth is, real estate is a relationship business. Social media is about building relationships. The two go hand in hand. It’s truly a philosophical place to stand. There will always be agents chasing their commission income, but the juice and the real joy in selling real estate is the relationship. Just like social media.
I can’t eliminate the agents who are simply chasing a commission – but I can refuse to hire them. (And I do). I can’t eliminate the “social media gurus” who are preying on the Realtor’s narcissism to sell a seminar or a product, but I can refuse to pay them for their “expertise” (And I do).
Your way to succeed with social media is the same way to succeed in real estate sales: “Be genuine, help others, have a real strategy, and execute.” It’s really quite simple. Those of us who implement it, win. (And I do).
Warm aloha,
Katie Minkus, R(B) Broker-in-Charge
Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers
John Evan Miller
Posted at 19:00h, 06 AprilGlad someone finally put that out there. Social media is not the golden key to immediate success, it can be but through time and dedication just like with any other job.
John Evan Miller
Posted at 19:00h, 06 AprilGlad someone finally put that out there. Social media is not the golden key to immediate success, it can be but through time and dedication just like with any other job.
Urban Edge NYC
Posted at 19:35h, 08 AprilThis is great Drew. In our industry it’s rare that professionals “get it” The way they want to go about using social media totally defeats the purpose. When they don’t see the money coming in they will blame it on social media or the people managing their social media. They want magic delivered.