You all know I’m a travel addict. And news flash: that isn’t changing anytime soon.

In a couple weeks, I’m headed back out on the travel trail. Well, more like the “moving” trail since I’ll be living in Santiago, Chile for 6 months as part of the Start-up Chile program to work on Horizon. I wrote a bit about the coming journey on my personal blog today.

Every team member participating in the program receives a 1 year residency visa. Since no Chile consulate exists here in Seattle, I’ll be flying to San Francisco to get my Visa stamped prior to departing for Chile on the 17th of July. I booked my San Francisco ticket for the morning of July 13th, and it just so happens that Inman Connect SF is that same week — which means I’ll get to see a lot of friendly faces I haven’t seen for awhile.

If you’re going to be in town that week for Inman Connect, please do drop me a line – drew at horizonapp dot co.