Using Other Social Networks to Increase SEO to Your Website
As many agents know, one of the best ways to promote your blog, website or agent profile page is to obtain inbound links. For those of you new to link building, it can be a daunting and painful task! Lucky for you, I took some notes while building my own links. Below, I have provided a number of sites that allow you to place a high quality link from within your profile page. I have also displayed some of the more popular social sites that offer links, but use the no follow tag. While you do have to sign-up for all of these sites and it may not be easy to find, rest assured the links are there and they are free.
Most of these sites live in the real estate world, but as you notice I mention a few of the more popular social sites.
Profiles that allow links and do follow. (Followed links are reviewed by search engine crawlers and the link is taken into consideration when ranking your website)
- (my employer)
Profiles that offer no follow. (No follow links are links but are not crawled by search engine bots and not counted towards your sites ranking)
Placing your links on sites that do not offer followed links is still a good idea, just don’t expect credit for the link. These sites are better as a means of actual traffic.
Simply having a website is not enough. It’s important to use social networking sites in order to increase your findability and leverage some high quality links back to your website.
This list is by no means complete, so feel free to mention other sources of free followed links.
Other People’s Blogs… « The Secret Diary of Greg Swann
Posted at 17:04h, 26 December[…] People’s Blogs… Published December 26, 2007 Uncategorized … are also a great social network to participate in. Many bloggers use the Do Follow plugin to make […]
Dee Copeland
Posted at 10:10h, 27 DecemberSquidoo is often recognized as a great resource for online networking, but I still haven’t gotten involved in it. I’m not sure why I haven’t made the leap. Do you Squidoo?
Peter Quinlan
Posted at 10:22h, 27 DecemberI have not used Squidoo, in fact it’s the only site on the list that I did not actually use. It seemed to take more time than the others. One of these days I will create a lens!
Wesley LeFebvre
Posted at 10:51h, 27 DecemberKeep in mind, just because the link may have a nofollow attribute, which means that link won’t be used to increase the landing pages page rank, that doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t get credit for the anchor text. So thank you for including both groups!
Peter Quinlan
Posted at 11:24h, 27 DecemberIn theory the nofollow attribute is not supposed to count the anchor text, but there is a debate whether it actually works properly or not.
Poppy Dinsey
Posted at 09:29h, 02 JanuaryGreat article Peter, I’ve been a bit slow to do anything with this information but I’m signing up to lots of these lovely sites today! A positive way to start the New Year!
Posted at 07:28h, 09 January“In theory the nofollow attribute is not supposed to count the anchor text, but there is a debate whether it actually works properly or not.”
A year ago, I ran a test where nofollow anchor text actually did increase relevance score of a URL. Since then, Matt Cutts claimed (somewhere on DaveN’s blog) that nofollow no longer pass anchor text, but I’ve been hearing a few SEOs say anchor text is still passing.
dieta anului 2011
Posted at 15:01h, 03 JanuaryI was been scouring the Internet for this information and i wanted to thank you for the post. By the way, just off topic, how can i find a copy of this theme? – Thank you