What would a good real estate photography setup be if you were purchasing today? CNET currently rates the Nikon D80 and Canon EOS Rebel XT as the top DSLRs under $1,000. Both of these cameras are in the top 5 best selling DSLRs in the US. Top selling is a good data point because popularity is in fact a voting process where buyers are voting with their money. I think either of these DSLRs would be a good choice for a Realtor or someone wanting to get into real estate photography. However, remember from my post on choosing a camera for real estate photography back in August, real estate photography requires a wide-angle lens and an external flash.

Frequently when you purchase cameras in this price range a “kit” lens is included (usually 18-55mm zoom) which is not wide enough for real estate photography. If you are going to use the camera only for real estate you could just purchase the camera body. But, for all around general photography the kit lens is just fine just don’t use it to shoot interiors. For real estate interiors I would purchase a Sigma 10-20mm zoom which you can get with either Nikon or Canon mount. This lens is wide enough to get nice open feeling shots of even small rooms; it’s a very popular lens with real estate shooters.

For an external flash unit I would purchase a Canon 580 EX II for the Canon or a SB-800 for the Nikon. These flash units have plenty of power and will give you the benefits of shooting automatic flash, which if you just starting out makes life simpler. As you progress in your lighting skills you will eventually want to use multiple flashes, off-camera in manual mode but automatic on camera flash is a good starting place. It is far better than no flash at all.

The complete kit comes in a just under $2,000 which you might feel is steep but I submit that as a Realtor shooting listings you should not be doing your own photography unless you have a setup like this. If you do have this kind of camera setup (and learn how to use it), and promote the fact that you supply quality photography to your sellers in listing presentations you’ll get more listings. Trust me, sellers respond to good photography in listing presentations!