Web 3.0 – A Post Intended to "Define" & "Design"
Good Morning Everyone, I am posting this on Geek Estate because I am sure that the comments and discussions that are derived from it, will be from some of the finest, and most daring thinkers in Real Estate. Afterall, this is where anyone, who is someone, comes for the latest in Real Estate Technology…isn’t it?
My topic is Web 3.0, what will it look like? How can we help shape it? and most importantly, How can we use it to improve our “Internet Persona”? Be first to market, so to speak. It was just 3 short years ago that I, and many others in the REBlog space, began talking about things like Social Networking; using cool new tools like Twitter and Facebook to help create your “Internet Persona”. To help reach out to potential clients and peers in a more “transparent” way, a more “personable” way…and look at what has happened? Look at what some of the “early adapters” have been able to accomplish to this point, and how 80% of the Real Estate community is just now getting involved…
…yet for those of us who have been thinking and doing it for 3 years, we are already feeling it is “passe” somehow. we are (or should be) looking into the “crystal ball” for what’s next?
When I talk to groups of Agents, Brokers, or Salespeople in general I speak of Web 1.0 being described in a single word as “Availability”, Web 2.0 being “Transparency”, and now Web 3.0 as being … “Predictability”!
While I know this subject may be a bit “Edgy” or even “Obscure”, keep an open mind, and please…please…please comment on it. The discussions and forums that are created from your comments will allow us, as a group, to “Define” and “Design” the future of Real Estate websites, Blogs, and “Internet Persona’s” for years to come. We will be the “Early Adapters”. We will be “Ahead of the Curve”….so come on, think with me 🙂
Let’s begin with an excerpt from my personal Blog, AskTheRealEstateCoach.com…
“I like to think ahead, and thinking ahead right now means asking that question…What is Web 3.0 going to look like? I believe that the one word definition of Web 3.0 will be…Predictability…meaning that web presence’s will be riddled with predictability! They will know the answer before it is asked, they will provide information that the client didn’t even know they wanted, but they did! They will bring the client directly to the answer based on the actual need of the client, even if they didn’t even know it!
What does this look like in a practical sense? Follow along this scenario with me, I will use something very “common”, not really associated with Real Estate, so everyone can say “AH HA!” “I get what he means”
Our cars, our phones, and other electronic devices are equipped with GPS. This is a cool little feature that allows us to use our Navigation devices, set up map details, keep from getting lost, find cool lil stores, ect…but they are also leaving (creating) digital footprints of everything we do, everywhere we go. Our cell phone accounts have our ss# associated with them, so they can draw a clear picture of who we are from the information available via that ss#. Our income, our neighborhood, our education…starting to get it? The Internet now knows what I can afford, what I like to buy, what I drive, where I live, and with the GPS, now knows everywhere I go, and everything I do, via digital footprint. So if I am prone to buy Lexus automobiles, and I have an income of over $80,000 a year, and I drive down a particular street each day to get to work, and I buy new cars every 2.3 years, and I stop in at the Starbucks on the corner of 1st and Vine every weekday (See it, see it? Wait for it!) The local Lexus dealer will be placing advertising on the street I drive and in the Starbucks I visit 2.3 years after I bought my last car!
I can hear the skeptics amongst you right now, just as I heard the skeptics 3 years ago saying that Twitter, and Facebookwere stupid kids stuff! The advertisements will be virtual in nature and specific to each driver, not just me. They will come in the form of holograms..they will appear on navigation screens, and PDA’s they will come on my Starbucks receipt and the Guy or Gal behind me will get an ad for Irish Spring soap, because it has been 4.1 months since the last time he bought it at the Supermarket! SEE IT?”
Now listen to Kevin Kelly in this video. I know it is 19 minutes, and statistics say you won’t listen, but you can not truly understand this brilliant man’s theories unless you listen to the whole thing. So please, take a moment and really hear what he has to say…
Kevin Kelly – “The Next 5000 Days of the Web”
Now, let’s start talking! Your comments will shape my next post, then the next, and so on…I want you, our readers, some of the “Best & Brightest” stars of The REBlogsphere…my fellow REBarcampers, Rookies, Veterens, whom ever…Let’s “Design” & “Define”!!! 🙂
Can’t wait to hear back from you…
Zane Burnett
Posted at 06:38h, 03 NovemberDisclaimer: my intent is not to admonish the forward thinking of this post 🙂
That being said, there seems to be a surge in the desire to either define, design, or implement what is preemptively being called “web 3.0”. Some say it's an app economy (http://bit.ly/11GkMo), some say it's the rise of semantic web (http://bit.ly/JXUTe), and some- like CB- say they already utilize 3.0 (http://bit.ly/3gjNSs).
Perhaps the growing urge to identify what 3.0 is will, in fact, lead to its actual creation. I don't know what 3.0 will be, but I would venture to guess the following:
– We won't know what 3.0 is until it has been around, growing without name, for quite some time. After all: 2.0 was called out in 1999, not growing in popularity or properly defined/developed until 4 or 5 years after that.
– It will involve semantic web. We see early instances of that now with engines like Wolfram Alpha
– It won't officially be 3.0 until it hits 25% of the web. Everything else will be considered attempts or failures.
Anyway, again… I love this post and I'm glad everyone is looking into the future. I'm just wary of casting my ballot into the crystal ball just yet, because I think there are going to be many claims/predictions that has the potential to ruin 3.0 before it even gets here.
Matthew Rathbun
Posted at 15:26h, 03 NovemberWow… What a great questions. I think the future is hard to predict, but it agents don't start using the current media better – the consumer will.
I look forward to seeing some of the ideas that come up from this post.
Posted at 21:59h, 10 NovemberMatthew, Hold On! This is gonna get good 🙂 Let's get this on the agenda at REB SD! 🙂
Web 3.0 in real estate « The Property Owl Blog
Posted at 08:59h, 10 November[…] 3.0 in real estate I was reading this and then I watched this […]
Web Design Lexington
Posted at 14:16h, 10 NovemberIn real estate, its hard to predict the pulse of buyers, or searchers without the ability of the site to interact or mingle. What is needed is a site that “talk” and in “a snap”.
Posted at 21:58h, 10 NovemberWeb Design, tell me more???? What type of site will/can “talk”? What did you mean by in “a snap”? Interesting….
Posted at 21:56h, 10 NovemberZane, that was an amazing response! I lean towards a Semantic Web theory, but I can see a hint of my Web 3.0 being “Predictabilty” in the CB “On Location” product on thier YouTube station. I want to build on this…contact me by email and let's work this together! BTW – will you be at REBarcamp SD this Thursday, nov 12th? Love to put this on the agenda and have you as a speaker! Great job 🙂
Posted at 04:51h, 20 NovemberI think that's a very good question to ask…
GET READY TO RUMBLLLEEE – The Great Web3.0 Smackdown! | StevenGroves.com
Posted at 11:49h, 20 November[…] with various practitioners and consultants on the topic of ‘Web3.0’ as a follow on to his post at TheGeekEstateBlog.com, and I accepted the challenge of making it […]
Web 3.0 – A Series of Posts Intended to “Design” & “Define” – Question #2 Discussion | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 16:28h, 10 December[…] “Web 3.0 – A Post Intended to “Define” & “Design”, – Original Post Nov 2nd […]
Web 3.0 – A Series of Posts Intended to “Design” & “Define” – Question #3 Discussion | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 11:01h, 22 December[…] “Web 3.0 – A Post Intended to “Define” & “Design”, – Original Post Nov 2nd […]
Posted at 22:37h, 29 DecemberHi,
* Web 1.0 – unidirectional and “push”. E.g. traditional brochureware-style websites
* Web 2.0 – interactive – “push” + “pull”. E.g. Social computing websites like MySpace, Wikipedia, and Facebook
* Web 3.0 – immersive. E.g. 3D Virtual Worlds and ubiquitous computing
Grüner Tee
Paul Mobley
Posted at 14:28h, 05 JanuaryIn my opinion, Web 3.0 will link people, lifestyles, and communities with human aggregation serving as a catalyst for grouping behaviors. Once data is better linked in standardized and transparent ways, especially in real estate, then we'll be better able to focus on the next phase of development. re.NET is behind the curve in some areas (like data connectivity and quality) while we potentially have the opportunity to be ahead of the curve in understanding people.
Paul Mobley
Posted at 22:28h, 05 JanuaryIn my opinion, Web 3.0 will link people, lifestyles, and communities with human aggregation serving as a catalyst for grouping behaviors. Once data is better linked in standardized and transparent ways, especially in real estate, then we'll be better able to focus on the next phase of development. re.NET is behind the curve in some areas (like data connectivity and quality) while we potentially have the opportunity to be ahead of the curve in understanding people.
dieta anului 2011
Posted at 07:24h, 03 JanuaryI have beeing after the google for this information and just wanted to say thanks to u for the post. BTW, just off topic, where can i download a version of this theme? – 10x
Rakib Molla
Posted at 14:26h, 18 AugustNice, just to let you know the post isnt showing up properly
on my iphone – I think there is a plugin you can grab that takes care of that
Rakib Molla
Posted at 14:26h, 18 AugustNice, just to let you know the post isnt showing up properly
on my iphone – I think there is a plugin you can grab that takes care of that