muellerIf you’ve spent any time at all in the real estate social media and tech space, you’ve run into Mike Mueller. I remember my first time very well. He pointed a video camera at me (without warning) and started interviewing me at an event in San Francisco. He’s become a good pal over the years.

Mike is self-professed “Tech Geek” that just happens to be a former mortgage banker. It’s not included in the profile he sent to me, but it’s no secret that Mike is a huge fan of motorcycles and hockey too.

Mike specializes in Social Media Consulting. He is a builder of engaging Custom Facebook Business Pages, blogs and social media engagement plans for his clients.
Mike writes, a blog dealing with social media and technology as it pertains towards real estate. He publishes articles in the San Francisco Examiner and the BusinessWeek Exchange. AreWeConnected is listed in Alltop and ranked by AdAge. He has been interviewed and quoted in articles for BankRate, Scripps, the San Jose Mercury News and others, (including the front page of The Wall Street Journal for writing mortgage related Haikus)

I have no doubt Mike will be providing GeekEstate users with some of our best content. Join me in welcoming him aboard!