What Does Your City Whisper to You?
Given my own travels and having friends all over the world — I think about “cities” often. When I hear the name of a specific city, I generally think about my experiences while visiting or, if I’ve never been there, people I know who live there (or have told me about their prior visits). Or, perhaps I think about a book or movie that took place there. Maybe its a sports team. The point being that I have a unique perception of what makes a city and its residents unique — based on my own experiences and connections of course.
Tropical MBA published a post that I found interesting, titled “What does your city whisper to you?”
I live in Seattle. Thus, my answer (aka whisper)…
Life balance, but mission/purpose matters
I ask you, what does your city (or neighborhood) whisper to you? How are you branding / messaging that whisper to your clients?
PS: On a related note, for those interested in the topic of cities and branding, read my thoughts on The Coming Shift of Niche Online Communities into Hubs in the Physical World.
Mike Price
Posted at 08:29h, 27 AprilWell put. So many RE Pros are missing opportunities to OWN their territory with just a little bit of effort and pushing just a tad out of their comfort zones. It’s not going to stay hot forever. Positioning can be everything for a long term strategy.