Good Morning everyone, today’s post will be short and to the point! (How I wish more executives would follow this simple philosophy, do they really think anyone will read a 5 page email? I mean come on!)

I was teaching an on line class earlier this week on adding Video and Slideshows to your website to add some punch! After I finished, I thought it would be great for you guys to know a simple, yet often (almost always really!), overlooked step in doing this.

Naming your Slideshow and Video pics & files “Before” you load them to your website;

What do I mean by this, simple. The vast majority of photos are taken by Digital Cameras, these cameras assign a unique identifier to each picture, mostly names like DCS0098761, or something like that. This way when they are housed on the drive or memory card of the camera, they can be distinguished from each other. Then when you use these pics to create a Slideshow or Video (or even just load the pic itself to your website), those unique identifiers or “names” become a permanent part of the file name. So when Google “Spiders” come racing past your website to determine it’s point value, and they are looking for keywords, they see a bunch of DCS0098761 and stuff! Not exactly telling them that there is good Real Estate info inside, GET IT ????

I am suggesting that before you make your Slideshow or Video you name each photo like this….

  1. 123 Main St Somewhere Ca 90045 Real Estate – Front View
  2. 123 Main St Somewhere Ca 90045 Real Estate – Backyard
  3. 123 Main St Somewhere Ca 90045 Real Estate – Kitchen

Get the idea? Now that’s “Google Juice”!!!

…and name that Slideshow or Video…

  1. 123 Main St Somewhere Ca 90045 Real Estate – Home for sale (or something similar)

Simple things can be so important, and yet we let these opportunities slip through our fingers, don’t let your opportunities pass you by…C ya next time!

Best of Luck!

The Coach