Why Social Media Doesn't Work for Most Agents and What to do About It
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and the rest of the social networking/media gang are no longer a secret to real estate agents across the country. Most are well aware of these tools and generally accept the notion that they can be powerful when leveraged for business. Specifically, nearly all of us have a Facebook profile and dedicate precious work hours to growing our number of friends and fans on a regular basis.
Interestingly, a very small fraction of us can actually trace a shred of ROI back to our social media and social networking efforts. The reason why is clear. We as a profession routinely ignore the media component and spend all of our time on the networking piece. This is why most agents have tons of friends and fans, but no clients to show for our efforts. In order to make social tools work for your business you must incorporate both the networking and media components in perfect harmony.
In other words, you must network because it is important to grown an audience. These are your friends and fans. You must be witty, interesting, social, and smart. Many of us are already very comfortable in this space. But we then have to do something productive with that audience to leverage our popularity and generate business.
This is where social media comes into play. The proper use of social media is to provide relevant content in to your social network. Social media can be an article, video, statistics, or just simply a message that is geared toward establishing yourself as an expert on a topic within a social setting. It is in the social media piece, not the networking, where the true power of tools such as Facebook comes alive. It is an opportunity to educate, self publish, and spread your message faster than ever before.
The message must be relevant, consistent and preferably original. Those factors working together will very soon have you viewed as an expert in your niche. It just takes a little purposeful strategy, which very few agents utilize in their online efforts.
Why Social Media Doesn’t Work for Most Agents and What to do About It | Technology Realtor
Posted at 07:16h, 10 January[…] Why Social Media Doesn’t Work for Most Agents and What to do About It var cid= 6681; Tweet (function() { var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT'), s1 = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = 'http://widgets.digg.com/buttons.js'; s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1); })(); 0 comments Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and the rest of the social networking/media gang are no longer a secret to real estate agents across the country.Continue reading: Why Social Media Doesn’t Work for Most Agents and What to do About It 0 commentsback to postAdd your comment Click here to cancel reply.Nickname:E-mail:Website:Comment: […]
Posted at 16:12h, 10 JanuaryDaniel- That’s an interesting point you make. Certainly the message (or media) you share has to be crafted to match your goals. In a previous article, I argued that the reason agents fail with their social media is that they don’t know who their audience should be so they end up socializing with other agents who also aren’t making any money using social media or with vendors who are trying to sell them products or programs.
Simmon Campbell
Posted at 17:45h, 10 JanuaryYou couldn’t have said it any better 🙂 Far too many people in the field don’t fulfill both sides of the equation. Something I learned in my early days was that you have to not only build a network, but have something substantial to give – otherwise, the network exists for itself, which won’t give you any ROI at all. I think in-depth analysis on a particular topic is one very fruitful way to go that shows substance and value to potential clients – be it through an article or video or what have you.
Why Social Media Doesn't Work for Most Agents and What to do About … | Media Point - O Ponto de Encontro de todos os interessados nos Media!
Posted at 11:03h, 10 January[…] the original here: Why Social Media Doesn't Work for Most Agents and What to do About … Posted in Comentário, Media | Tagged accept-the-notion, across-the-country, country, linked, […]
Why Social Media Doesn't Work for Most Agents and What to do About … | Media Point
Posted at 11:05h, 10 January[…] See more here: Why Social Media Doesn't Work for Most Agents and What to do About … […]
Why Social Media Doesn't Work for Most Agents and What to do About … « Media Point
Posted at 11:26h, 10 January[…] rest is here: Why Social Media Doesn't Work for Most Agents and What to do About … Written on January 10th, 2011 & filed under Blogs, Comentário, Media, TV Tags: […]
Calypso Bay
Posted at 05:07h, 11 JanuarySocial Media is not great for direct selling. It’s great if you want to generate brand recognition and engage with your followers.
Don’t expect direct sales, but it will let you promote open houses and your web site.
Houses for Sale MN
Posted at 05:24h, 11 JanuaryThe questions I ask myself very often when it comes to social media as an advertising/networking tool is: “Do my Facebook friends REALLY want to hear constant content about the real estate market, or how mortgage interest rates are doing, or how the housing affordability index is so great right now?” Chances are the people I’m networked with on FB already know that I’m a realtor, and they will turn off my comments if I consistently drip them with real estate content. Hmmm…
Daniel Beer
Posted at 02:24h, 12 JanuaryI suppose it comes down to your goals with social media. If you are on Facebook to socialize and have a lot of friends then you can easily accomplish that. Personally, I would rather have a slightly smaller network filled with people who are interested in hearing real estate information from me. One route is obviously going to be more profitable than the other.
Also,Your hesitation is natural but it really comes down to the quality of the content you are providing. Many agents spend all their time reminding everyone of the fact they are the world’s best agent while not providing anything of true value. Those that do so are guaranteed to repel their audience. However, those that have valuable and helpful information to share with their network will be surprised at how well it is received.
Of course, you have to have tact and not inundate your audience with five posts a day, but one every couple days will do wonders in establishing you as a thought leader amongst your network, which will lead to business.
Houses for Sale MN
Posted at 05:24h, 11 JanuaryThe questions I ask myself very often when it comes to social media as an advertising/networking tool is: “Do my Facebook friends REALLY want to hear constant content about the real estate market, or how mortgage interest rates are doing, or how the housing affordability index is so great right now?” Chances are the people I’m networked with on FB already know that I’m a realtor, and they will turn off my comments if I consistently drip them with real estate content. Hmmm…
Houses for Sale MN
Posted at 05:24h, 11 JanuaryThe questions I ask myself very often when it comes to social media as an advertising/networking tool is: “Do my Facebook friends REALLY want to hear constant content about the real estate market, or how mortgage interest rates are doing, or how the housing affordability index is so great right now?” Chances are the people I’m networked with on FB already know that I’m a realtor, and they will turn off my comments if I consistently drip them with real estate content. Hmmm…
James Foxx
Posted at 18:04h, 11 JanuaryAmen! This is an incredible post with a lot of helpful information. Too many people find out this the hard way.
Posted at 06:48h, 23 JulyThank you Daniel! This really helped me!