Disintermediation – now there is a ten dollar word. “Disintermediation” basically means to “cut out the middle man”.

There are a lot of people out there that feel the free and transparent flow of information on the internet will make the role of the real estate agent obsolete. Proponents of this thought point to the demise of the travel agent – largely brought on by how simple the internet has made it to book a plane ticket. Many agents and brokers want to lock down the data in the MLS, making it only available to licensed (and paying…) agents and brokers. They seem to want to snuff out the availability of free information. If we keep it all to ourselves, and dole it out to the consumer in metered doses, then we can ensure the consumer needs us, and will continue to use us. What a load of malarkey! Today’s consumer EXPECTS to be able to find information – and lots of it – freely and easily on the internet.

So what is an agent to do? How about FACILITATING the consumer’s quest for information? Become the “go to source” for real estate information in your area. Through your web site or blog you are placed in a prime position to be the giver of information.

What kind of information is the real estate consumer looking for?

The obvious answer is “listings”. There is no question that making rich listing data available to the consumer (preferably without registration, but that is a different post on its own) will help the consumer, in turn helping you. But real estate information isn’t just limited to listings. Consumers seek information on real estate subjects like:

  • The buying and selling process – lenders, title companies, home inspectors, home warranties, legal help, negotiation tactics, etc etc.
  • Real Estate terms and definitions
  • Zoning laws and restrictions
  • Home Owners Association information
  • Home sales statistics
  • Mortgage / financing information and contacts
  • Local services – ranging from where to shop to what to eat to what to do.
  • School information
  • Crime statistics
  • Local government information
  • Demographic / census information
  • Regional, local and neighborhood amenities

This list is virtually endless.

Not only is providing content what your visitors want, but search engines love it too. The major search engines like big, content rich sites. While I firmly believe you should always write web pages with the end visitor in mind, you can’t ignore SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Relevant content is king — for both visitors and search engines.

The internet is not going away folks. Rather than fear technology will disintermediate the real estate agent, USE the internet to give the consumer what they crave. Use technology to demonstrate your value and your expertise. Do that, and when a consumer has pulled together the information they need they will seek you out to help them through the process. At that point, the consumer is not a “hit”, or a “prospect”, or a “lead”. They are a client.