One of the sessions at Hacker Connect last week was a short interview with Seth Siegler, one of Geek Estate’s Mastermind founding members.

Not all MLS access contracts are created equally. Field names can be, and are, different. Some systems only allow a single session at a time. Some store agent names in one table, some require separate queries. Hosted image urls compared to downloaded and served up from your own servers.

In short, somewhat of a mess.

He told the crowd to expect the unexpected. Be prepared for handling for each and every possibility, it’s more than simply normalization for field mapping.

When asked his “wish list”, he mentioned the impossible: full adoption of standardized APIs.

For the developers reading, I have two questions:

  1. What’s the biggest headache you’ve dealt with?
  2. What’s your wish list for MLS technology in the next 5 years?