Zillow Shares Data on 7,000 Neighborhoods
The data geeks over at Zillow Labs are sharing some of their work via a Creative Commons License. It is represents the neighborhood boundaries of over 7,000 locations in major markets across the U.S.
What’s cool is the fact that you can make additions and changes to the database files and redistribute them, (with proper attribution to Zillow). The files are in the Arc Shapefile format, something all of you ubergeek developers are surely familiar with. (Essentially it’s an Internet GIS mapping format)
Dustin brings up a couple of good points regarding the use of the data in a recent post at 4realz. So, what do you envision as creative uses for this database?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 10:21h, 17 JanuaryThe two applications I really want to see are a neighborhood heatmap app & a neighborhood comparison tool.
Posted at 12:43h, 17 JanuaryDrew:
If you want neighborhood heat map data, you should definitely check out the tool that I put together using GIS data over a year ago when I was on the product team at Move! LOL! Here’s Ballard for example. (There’s a bigger map on this page, but not as much data… Please don’t ask me why this tool got implemented as it did. The implementation happened long after I left the product team.)
I asked about the boundary files on 4realz because it would have been somewhat trivial to create heat maps had you guys been consistent with an existing geography set like census group blocks or tracks or something along those lines.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 12:53h, 17 Januaryok, so maybe i just want a zindex neighborhood heatmap :). You could do a heatmap with any of the data at the bottom of our “affordability” sections of neighborhood/city pages too (example)
But i think there is massive potential for all sorts of heatmaps in the long run if everyone “tags” their data using the same neighborhood boundaries.
Posted at 13:07h, 17 JanuaryNo doubt there is still tons of potential… and it could even be much easier than “tagging” data. There are some pretty standard ways to map data from one layer (block groups) to another layer (like your neighborhood definitions) based on things like household or business density. It’s just not as easy as if the mapping were already done by you guys! 😉
cura slabire
Posted at 21:35h, 03 JanuaryI have beeing searching the Internet for such info and just wanted to say thanks to u for the post. Also, just off topic, how can i get a copy of this theme? – Thank you