Jim and I speak with a number of agents and brokers with WordPress sites (or in the process of moving to WordPress) on a daily basis. On almost every single call, our clients and potential clients ask us about SEO.

The first question we often get is “Will my site be at the top of Google?” (or some slight variation of the same question)

Those that understand the ins and outs of SEO know that’s an extremely loaded question with no simple answer. If only it were that easy, we’d all have lead after lead arriving in our inbox daily. But, it’s not easy, and there is only one number 1 for any given search term. Depending on how competitive your desired keyword is, it can be difficult to gain that coveted top ranking.

As I’ve mentioned before, SEO comes down to onsite SEO and offsite SEO. Offsite SEO is all about attracting links (and Tweets/Likes) from others. Onsite SEO is everything on your site such as title tags, permalinks, h1 tags, alt tags, and internal linking — among other things. Onsite SEO is something you have a bit more direct control over, but not quite as important as the offsite components in terms of getting your website to rank highly for your desire keyword(s).

To help agents and brokers better understand SEO as it relates to WordPress blogs, we’re starting a new weekly video series at Virtual Results — “10 Minute SEO with Your WordPress Blog“.

The 1st edition, posted on Friday, covered Keyword Research. Jim talks about how to use Google keyword research tool to research keywords you should be targeting and how to quickly optimize your post for that keyword. Head over the Virtual Results and watch the whole video, and leave your feedback in the comments.

What SEO questions do you have that you want us to cover in future installments of “10 Minute SEO for your WordPress Blog”?

*Note: If you wish to receive email updates from Virtual Results (which will include all editions of 10 Minute SEO), you can subscribe here.