220 Deals Per Year Thanks To The Internet – Inside Look
I have recently gotten to know a real estate professional named Michael Pannell that has made a big mark on Dallas real estate through the use of the Internet. His team generates 220+ deals per year and 97% of it comes from organic search engine clicks. He has now expanded into San Antonio and Houston and there is no sign of him slowing down as long as he can keep generating solid internet leads. When I learned about this I became incredibly interested to learn more about his business and I sat him down for a little Q&A to find out how he created this monster business.
Q. – What made you focus your business so heavily on the internet?
A. – I noticed that the trends were leaning towards the internet. I had a website up but was not getting very much traffic to it. Everything in the market was changing and I had to change my ways of advertising to get business.
Q. – What did it look like before?
A. – Before focusing on the internet, our business was all local advertising. We once a week (over the weekend), put out bandit signs all over the metroplex and just sat at the office the next few days and took phone calls. This was back when lending was much more lax and almost anyone could get approved. We were advertising for new homes. So we basically took phone calls, drove the clients around to the different builders and then once the client decided on the perfect home, the builder rep signed them up!
Q. – I see that you have a rebate aspect to your business. Do other agents in your market ever get upset with you about that?
A. – I wouldn’t say that the get upset, but I can say that we get many deals because we do have the rebate. When we tell someone that we are going to pay them to buy a house with us, it is a no brainer!
Q. – Why have you chosen to make this a part of your business model.
A. – Offering the rebate keeps our clients loyal. There are not very many other agents in our area that do it. When we say that we are going to be giving our clients money at closing, they are hooked! It helps keeps our clients loyal and helps us gain market advantage. We are an independent broker and do not have the big name such as Keller Williams or Century 21. The rebate helps to show clients that we are the real thing.
Q. – In your opinion, how many leads can one agent effectively handle per day.
A. – I like to keep my agents with 3-5 leads per day. The hard work is not now but when it is time to follow up. In 30 days when it is time to follow up with these leads, it is very difficult to keep up with them all. With only getting 3-5 leads per day, it is a very manageable number to handle both today and farther down the line for follow up.
Q. – What is the single most effective link building strategy that you are willing to share with our community that you can trace back to noticeable results?
A. – Blogging.
Q. – In your experience, what does that sales cycle look like with internet leads?
A. – 70% of internet leads are 180.5 days out. Most interent leads are not now buyers and take some work. The sales cycle begins with making contact with the client and then touching base as often as necessary until they are ready. We use both a drip email system and also a home search function that emails the clients when properties that match their criteria as properties are added or changed. Then once the client is ready to look and buy, we are back to a normal real estate sales cycle.
Q. – Is that sales cycle different for one keyword type vs another?
A. – Long tail keyword terms are more likely to close sooner than main key keyword terms. People who are searching with long tail keywords know what they are looking for and are typically now buyers. The buyers know what they want. People who search with main keywords are usually out of town relocations or people who are just starting to look and have lots of time. These type of clients are the ones that you just have to stick with follow up and stay in touch until they are ready.
Q. – What do you see in near to mid term future for real estate as it relates to the internet? In other words, where is our industry heading?
A. – The internet is only getting stronger. I feel that the internet is where it is at and only going to get better. 90% of all home buyers look to the internet to find their home. The internet is where it is at!
Jeff Manson
Posted at 11:12h, 11 FebruaryMy team sold 200 transactions from my Hawaii site last year all from organic traffic 🙂 I agree with Michael that an agent can only handle so many leads then it’s too many for them to follow up and leads start slipping through the cracks. I have a unique problem of having too many leads per agent. My agents on Oahu are currently getting over 20 leads a day. I need about 5 -6 more great agents to get it back down to a manageable number.
I am currently looking for agents here on Oahu if anybody knows any that are here locally or that are willing to relocate to Hawaii 🙂
BTW: Great sales people do not have to offer rebates or discount commissions to do a lot of sales. If ones sales skills are weak than I guess they do… IMO
When I was a listing agent back in the day I would consistently sale 75 – 85 listings a year without discounting my commission and a lot of agents that were calling the same expired listings and FSBO’s were offering discounts. Funny thing is that the agents that were offering lower commissions were doing less transactions 😉
Daniel Beer
Posted at 11:50h, 11 FebruaryI hear you on the reduced commission. Not my game either but perhaps every market is different. Or better yet, perhaps every business model is different. It works for Michael so it’s no wonder he keeps rolling with it.
Mike Pannell
Posted at 10:29h, 09 OctoberWe have done away with the rebate.. We will see what happens
Ben Fisher
Posted at 18:57h, 11 FebruaryJeff, is this done all off of your main site or from multiple sites targeting Hawaii?
Mike Pannell
Posted at 12:15h, 11 FebruaryOne reason for our rebate is we have a rash of agents sending their clients to our site to search for homes. I couldn’t tell you how many deals we are able to steal per year. It hasn’t hurt us one bit and we continue to grow every year.
Jeff Manson
Posted at 12:20h, 11 FebruaryYeah we have a lot of others agents clients using our site as well since it is so easy to use and gets them what they are looking for quickly. I have agents all the time tell me how their clients just love using our site 🙂 When that agent drops the ball or one of my great agents follows up we are able to help a number of them… HEHEHE 😉
Mike Pannell
Posted at 12:28h, 11 FebruaryThat works also, Like I said the little rebate we give does hurt us and it does get us more sales that we didn’t have before. One thing we are pretty good at is follow up. As Ben stated we are gaining traction here and our traffic is up on my sites over 300% from last year. I want to crush the overall transactions from last year. We will see what happens.
Jeff Manson
Posted at 12:44h, 11 FebruaryUs too 🙂 If I could get 5 more good agents to follow up with all the leads we could add an additional 150 – 180 transactions… The hard part is finding good agents that are willing to work hard…
Ben Fisher
Posted at 12:55h, 11 FebruaryLooks like I need to move to Hawaii 🙂
Shoot me an email if you can Jeff, would love to speak with ya.
Jeff Manson
Posted at 13:40h, 11 FebruaryHey Ben, I didn’t have your email so I tried calling and got your VM.. You can call me at 808-261-3994…
Mike Pannell
Posted at 12:57h, 11 FebruaryMy San Antonio sales manager just called and said he was moving back to Hawaii after reading your post lol. I said NO you aren’t…
Jeff Manson
Posted at 13:35h, 11 FebruaryIf he is a good sales person send him my way 😉
Daniel Beer
Posted at 23:22h, 11 FebruaryJeff with numbers like that and such a beautiful place I can’t believe you couldn’t find good agents to join you. Who wouldn’t be tempted? Are you saying that your agents average 30 deals per year? How many leads do they get each day?
Jeff Manson
Posted at 23:35h, 11 FebruaryDaniel – Hawaii is just like the mainland… the majority of of agents do not have very good sales skills and good work ethic. That is why a small percentage do most the deals.
I need to start prospecting myself for good agents to join the team. I honestly have been too busy helping other agents with their sites and getting them on track 🙂
A couple hundred transactions is not bad from the site, but we could be doing a lot more if we could 5 or 6 more agents to get the leads per agent per day down to around 8.. I think that is the sweet spot for a good agent to do 4 -5 transactions a month.
Ben Fisher
Posted at 11:44h, 11 FebruaryMike does a great job down there and has an amazing number of sites that rank well and are building traction. Pretty impressive system he has built for himself.