A Shiny New Google Project: Chrome
Google has the world abuzz again today with the announcement of their latest project, Chrome. Chrome is Google’s answer to the browser battle. Why create a new browser? Simple, if you’re entire business model is based upon the future of the browser being the single interface for all computing applications (desktop or mobile), you probably want to have some say in how the interface is designed and operates.
Chrome is developed based upon an open source set of development tools, also released by Google, called WebKit. It is a tab based environment that is Google says will improve the user experience with more stability and security. Chrome also takes advantage of another Google development standard called “Gears“.
A couple of sites have stated that Chrome will be avaialble for download as early as tomorrow. To find out more, Google has released a 38 page “web comic” explaining Chrome.
Russell Volk
Posted at 13:42h, 02 SeptemberI think I will have to give it a try. Sounds like the browser of the future.
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Drew Meyers
Posted at 17:59h, 02 SeptemberMike-
I haven’t downloaded “chrome” yet, but a couple people have already asked me today what I think of it — I’ll test this sucker out sometime in the next few days!
Andrew Mattie
Posted at 07:39h, 03 SeptemberWebKit is actually Apple’s framework, and it’s what Apple had based their Safari web browser on.
Andrew Mattie
Posted at 07:47h, 03 SeptemberAdditionally, it’s worth pointing out that a security flaw has already been found with Chrome. See here: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=1843.
Chrome sure is fast, but my experience has just been to be careful with with I do with new browsers until the professional hackers have had their way with it first.
Posted at 14:25h, 03 SeptemberI think it’s a great leap- very fast, great interactivity. The “Sand box” effect that seperates each tab is why I’m drawn to it though. Firefox’s tabs tend to crash the entire browser, and the seperated processes allow you to cut out problems before they freeze your system entirely.
“You were too busy asking the question of if you COULD that you never stopped to ask if you SHOULD”, Iam Malcom – Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton)
You’re going to find tons of articles out there pushing both ways on this release. From frightening aspects of the EULA to the fact that Chrome seems to be a Frankenstein monster project that pulls from many other major browsers… I however like this monstrosity…possibly because I like ugly animals like pugs and baby aligators… but mostly because it is even more forward thinking by Google.
Mike Price
Posted at 16:55h, 04 SeptemberAndrew,
Right you are, I actually wrote about that in another post a long time ago and must of had too much Google on the brain. I have not had a chance to try out Chrome yet because it’s PC only right now. I’ll get around to downloading on our Vista box eventually.
I’ve heard, that like in other instances, Google is re-evaluating the EULA. I was afraid that there would be some scary language in there, and now I hear that the browser is actually capturing and saving keystrokes. Not sure how true it is, but it warrants investigation. It’s a brave new world.
Andrew Mattie
Posted at 08:42h, 05 SeptemberOne thing that does make me more at ease with Chrome is that it’s completely open source. It seems that they spent quite some time writing the documentation to help get other developers involved. http://dev.chromium.org/developers.
I certainly don’t think there’s anything shady going on, but with the increasing number of web-based security exploits out there, I’m still glad that Google made it so other programmers can hop in there and check out their code.
Google Chrome - Great news for Real Estate Agents | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 20:08h, 07 September[…] and greatest browser. Honestly however, I was oblivious to Googles new web browser until I read Mike Prices blog post […]
The Buffham’s Test Site » Blog Archive » » Google Chrome - Great news for Real Estate Agents
Posted at 22:09h, 18 September[…] I was excited to download the new version of Google Chrome on my new Dell 1420 Laptop. Thought I would test the limits of my new indy car laptop with the latest and greatest browser. Honestly however, I was oblivious to Googles new web browser until I read Mike Price’s blog post here. […]
Stratégies du Vidéo Keno
Posted at 06:00h, 06 OctoberAbsolutely rocks in every way. Google has once again proven that it has what is needed to deliver great products. it’s a decent browser…download time may be a dash slower than other browsers but the app load time, smooth rendering, space utilization etc are great.
cura slabire
Posted at 15:52h, 03 JanuaryI was been after the Web for this info and just wanted to say thanks to u for the post. Also, just off topic, how can i get a version of this theme? – Thank you