I was scanning my feedreader today, and saw the news that Alain Pinel, a well known brokerage in the Bay Area, launched a redesigned website with Onboard Informatics Lifestyle Content.

Great. A brokerage finally invested in their web presence. Alain Pinel is well known, so I’m guessing they released something decent/good.

I click through to APR.com from the article — and find THIS:

APR - Home
Uploaded with Skitch!

Home page title tag of APR.com: APR – Home

Really? The title tag is literally the very first thing I looked at when evaluating this website from a SEO perspective.

Brokerages have been moaning for 3+ years about how they are getting crushed SEO-wise by Zillow/Trulia. Yet, a WELL KNOWN brokerage undergoing a MAJOR website redesign makes arguably the most fundamental & simple SEO mistake in the books — putting a horrendous TITLE TAG (arguable the most import on-site component of ranking well) on the HOME PAGE (their most powerful page). What should the title tag on their home page be? How about something like “San Francisco Homes for Sale – Alain Pinel Realtors” or “San Francisco Real Estate – Alain Pinel Realtors”. Even “Alain Pinel Realtors” would be better than “APR – Home” since it targets their brand name for people specifically searching for Alain Pinel.

Brokerages wonder why they are getting crushed in the SEO results.

I don’t. It’s crystal clear to me.