About Carolyn Chebaro

I became a licensed Realtor in 1998. In 2008 I ranked highest in sales volume for a brokerage in Fort Lauderdale. This year I also achieved the status of “Chairman’s Club”, which ranked me amongst the top 2% in sales nationwide. I then took time away from real estate. During this time I became immersed herself in social media. Today I have combined my love for all things social, and my knowledge of real estate. “I understand the mindset of a Realtor. I know how involved one must be in order to achieve success. This leaves very little time to sit in front of a computer. My goal is to provide a complete social media package service for Realtors. A one-stop shop essentially for all inbound marketing”.

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The Facebook Answer to Going Local: HomeElephant

The Facebook Answer to Going Local: HomeElephant

I recently came across a new website, Home Elephant, and wanted to spend some time explaining how it fits into the online landscape for a real estate agent.  This new social media site  is the Facebook for  Residential Homes and Communities. It is a place…

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How Do You Keep Real Estate Local?

How Do You Keep Real Estate Local?

Selling real estate is a local game. Buyers in particular want to get a feel for a place. They want to touch, to get a feel for the environment and they want to see themselves not only in a home but in an area. We know virtual…

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